MOVPE growth of LWIR AlInAs/GaInAs/InP quantum cascade lasers: impact of growth and material quality on laser performance
The quality of epitaxial layers in quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) has a primary impact on QCL performance, and establishing correlations between epitaxial growth and materials properties is of critical importance for continuing improvements. We present an overview of the growth challenges of these complex QCL structures; describe the metalorganic vapor...
Photonic lantern kW-class fiber amplifier
Pump-limited kW-class operation in a multimode fiber amplifier using adaptive mode control and a photonic lantern front end was achieved. An array of three single-mode fiber inputs was used to adaptively inject the appropriate superposition of input modes in a three-mode gain fiber to achieve the desired mode at the...
Directly deposited optical-blocking filters for single-photon x-ray imaging spectroscopy
Directly deposited optical-blocking filters (DD OBFs) have the potential to improve filter performance and lower risk and cost for future x-ray imaging spectroscopy missions. However, they have not been fully characterized on high-performance charge coupled devices (CCDs). This paper reports the results of DD OBFs processed on high-performance photon-counting CCDs...
Efficient cryogenic near-infrared Tm:YLF laser
Operation of a cw thulium laser emitting at 816 nm has been demonstrated in bulk Tm:YLF with 46% slope efficiency. Prior cw demonstrations of this transition have been limited to ZBLAN fiber hosts and prior lasing in bulk crystalline host material has been limited to quasi-cw operation due to population...
Aircraft laser strike geolocation system
Laser strikes against aircraft are increasing at an alarming rate, driven by the availability of cheap powerful lasers and a lack of deterrence due to the challenges of locating and apprehending perpetrators. Although window coatings and pilot goggles effectively block laser light, uptake has been low due to high cost...
Picosecond kilohertz-class cryogenically cooled multistage Yb-doped chirped pulse amplifier
A multistage cryogenic chirped pulse amplifier has been developed, utilizing two different Yb-doped gain materials in subsequent amplifier stages. A Yb:GSAG regenerative amplifier followed by a Yb:YAG power amplifier is able to deliver pulses with a broader bandwidth than a system using only one of these two gain media throughout...
Diode-pumped narrow linewidth multi-kW metalized Yb fiber amplifier
We investigate high brightness pumping of a multi-kW Yb fiber amplifier in a bi-directional pumping configuration. Each pump outputs 2 kW in a 200 um, 0.2 NA multi-mode fiber. Gold-coated specialty gain fibers, with 17 um MFD and 5-dB/meter pump absorption, have been developed. The maximum fiber amplifier output power...
Crosstalk characterization and mitigation in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode arrays
Intra focal plane array (FPA) crosstalk is a primary development limiter of large, fine-pixel Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode (Gm-APD) arrays beyond 256×256 pixels. General analysis methods and results from MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT/LL) InP-based detector arrays will be presented.
Photonic lantern adaptive spatial mode control in LMA fiber amplifiers
We demonstrate adaptive-spatial mode control (ASMC) in few-moded double-clad large mode area (LMA) fiber amplifiers by using an all-fiber-based photonic lantern. Three single-mode fiber inputs are used to adaptively inject the appropriate superposition of input modes in a multimode gain fiber to achieve the desired mode at the output. By...
Photothermal speckle modulation for noncontact materials characterization
We have developed a noncontact, photothermal materials characterization method based on visible-light speckle imaging. This technique is applied to remotely measure the infrared absorption spectra of materials and to discriminate materials based on their thermal conductivities. A wavelength-tunable (7.5-8.7 um), intensity-modulated, quantum cascade pump laser and a continuous-wave 532 nm...