Artificial Intelligence Technology TO Group Banner Graphic

Artificial Intelligence Technology

Our group develops fundamental and enabling artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to solve complex challenges and to advance AI for the nation. In close collaboration with groups across the Laboratory, as well as with MIT and the greater academic community, our team is working at the frontier of research in AI for national security. Current research areas include applying AI to fuel scientific discovery of materials and biomaterials; exploring network science and its applications; employing AI as a teammate in making decisions; developing technology to increase trust in AI; and investigating the broad area of responsible AI and ethics. The group also develops courses and holds workshops to educate the workforce of the future and accelerate the adoption of AI in key national security domains.

Our research team includes many of the Laboratory’s top AI experts with knowledge in deep learning architectures, adversarial learning, probabilistic programming, reinforcement learning, network science, human–computer interaction, multi-modal data fusion, and autonomous systems. Our computing capabilities provide ample opportunity to do research at scale on both closed and publicly available datasets. We provide a vibrant and collaborative research environment with close ties to academia and sponsors with critical mission needs.

Featured Projects

a researcher looks through a small window on a large metal multichambered molecular beam epitaxy tool.
advanced materials
A new approach to materials discovery aims to expedite the process of deploying new materials for specific mission needs.
Multiple images of drawn faces in different colors connected by white lines.
machine learning
We are using reinforcement learning to train artificial intelligence to team with humans.
Responsible AI Toolbox art concept
artificial intelligence
We are building an open-source toolbox to help researchers more easily design, evaluate, and monitor artificial intelligence (AI) systems.
A schematic showing radar sensing as one application that can benefit from robust, trustworthy, and safe artificial intelligence in resource-constrained applications.
artificial intelligence
Robust, trustworthy, and safe machine learning algorithms that operate in resource-constrained environments will improve missile defense and other target recognition and mission planning systems.
A schematic showing the explainable artificial intelligence concept.
artificial intelligence
We are developing tools to enhance the explainability of artificial intelligence (AI) systems for improved human-AI collaboration.

Advancing Our Research


Backdoor poisoning of encrypted traffic classifiers

Nov 28
IEEE Intl. Conf. Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW, 28 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2022.

Predicting ankle moment trajectory with adaptive weighted ensemble of LSTM network

Nov 1
2022 IEEE High Perf. Extreme Comp. Conf. (HPEC), 19-23 September 2022, DOI: 10.1109/HPEC55821.2022.9926370.

Multimodal physiological monitoring during virtual reality piloting tasks

Aug 25
Multimodal Physiological Monitoring During Virtual Reality Piloting Tasks (version 1.0.0). PhysioNet.

Our Staff

View the biographies of members of the Artificial Intelligence Technology group.