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A fun and engaging interface for crowdsourcing named entities

Published in:
10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conf., LREC 2016, 23-28 May 2016.


There are many current problems in natural language processing that are best solved by training algorithms on an annotated in-language, in-domain corpus. The more representative the training corpus is of the test data, the better the algorithm will perform, but also the less likely it is that such a corpus has already been annotated. Annotating corpora for natural language processing tasks is typically a time consuming and expensive process. In this paper, we provide a case study in using crowd sourcing to curate an in-domain corpus for named entity recognition, a common problem in natural language processing. In particular, we present our use of fun, engaging user interfaces as a way to entice workers to partake in our crowd sourcing task while avoiding inflating our payments in a way that would attract more mercenary workers than conscientious ones. Additionally, we provide a survey of alternate interfaces for collecting annotations of named entities and compare our approach to those systems.


There are many current problems in natural language processing that are best solved by training algorithms on an annotated in-language, in-domain corpus. The more representative the training corpus is of the test data, the better the algorithm will perform, but also the less likely it is that such a corpus...


Enforced sparse non-negative matrix factorization

Published in:
30th IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp., IPDPS 2016, 23-27 May 2016.


Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a dimensionality reduction algorithm for data that can be represented as an undirected bipartite graph. It has become a common method for generating topic models of text data because it is known to produce good results, despite its relative simplicity of implementation and ease of computation. One challenge with applying the NMF to large datasets is that intermediate matrix products often become dense, thus stressing the memory and compute elements of the underlying system. In this article, we investigate a simple but powerful modification of the alternating least squares method of determining the NMF of a sparse matrix that enforces the generation of sparse intermediate and output matrices. This method enables the application of NMF to large datasets through improved memory and compute performance. Further, we demonstrate, empirically, that this method of enforcing sparsity in the NMF either preserves or improves both the accuracy of the resulting topic model and the convergence rate of the underlying algorithm.


Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a dimensionality reduction algorithm for data that can be represented as an undirected bipartite graph. It has become a common method for generating topic models of text data because it is known to produce good results, despite its relative simplicity of implementation and ease of...


LLMapReduce: multi-level map-reduce for high performance data analysis


The map-reduce parallel programming model has become extremely popular in the big data community. Many big data workloads can benefit from the enhanced performance offered by supercomputers. LLMapReduce provides the familiar map-reduce parallel programming model to big data users running on a supercomputer. LLMapReduce dramatically simplifies map-reduce programming by providing simple parallel programming capability in one line of code. LLMapReduce supports all programming languages and many schedulers. LLMapReduce can work with any application without the need to modify the application. Furthermore, LLMapReduce can overcome scaling limits in the map-reduce parallel programming model via options that allow the user to switch to the more efficient single-program-multiple-data (SPMD) parallel programming model. These features allow users to reduce the computational overhead by more than 10x compared to standard map-reduce for certain applications. LLMapReduce is widely used by hundreds of users at MIT. Currently LLMapReduce works with several schedulers such as SLURM, Grid Engine and LSF.


The map-reduce parallel programming model has become extremely popular in the big data community. Many big data workloads can benefit from the enhanced performance offered by supercomputers. LLMapReduce provides the familiar map-reduce parallel programming model to big data users running on a supercomputer. LLMapReduce dramatically simplifies map-reduce programming by providing...


Generating a multiple-prerequisite attack graph

A data-stream classification system for investigating terrorist threats

Published in:
Proc. SPIE 9851, Next-Generation Analyst IV, 98510L (May 12, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2224104.


The role of cyber forensics in criminal investigations has greatly increased in recent years due to the wealth of data that is collected and available to investigators. Physical forensics has also experienced a data volume and fidelity revolution due to advances in methods for DNA and trace evidence analysis. Key to extracting insight is the ability to correlate across multi-modal data, which depends critically on identifying a touch-point connecting the separate data streams. Separate data sources may be connected because they refer to the same individual, entity or event. In this paper we present a data source classification system tailored to facilitate the investigation of potential terrorist activity. This taxonomy is structured to illuminate the defining characteristics of a particular terrorist effort and designed to guide reporting to decision makers that is complete, concise, and evidence-based. The classification system has been validated and empirically utilized in the forensic analysis of a simulated terrorist activity. Next-generation analysts can use this schema to label and correlate across existing data streams, assess which critical information may be missing from the data, and identify options for collecting additional data streams to fill information gaps.


The role of cyber forensics in criminal investigations has greatly increased in recent years due to the wealth of data that is collected and available to investigators. Physical forensics has also experienced a data volume and fidelity revolution due to advances in methods for DNA and trace evidence analysis. Key...


Feedback-based social media filtering tool for improved situational awareness

Published in:
15th Annual IEEE Int. Symp. on Technologies for Homeland Security, HST 2016, 10-12 May 2016.


This paper describes a feature-rich model of data relevance, designed to aid first responder retrieval of useful information from social media sources during disasters or emergencies. The approach is meant to address the failure of traditional keyword-based methods to sufficiently suppress clutter during retrieval. The model iteratively incorporates relevance feedback to update feature space selection and classifier construction across a multimodal set of diverse content characterization techniques. This approach is advantageous because the aspects of the data (or even the modalities of the data) that signify relevance cannot always be anticipated ahead of time. Experiments with both microblog text documents and coupled imagery and text documents demonstrate the effectiveness of this model on sample retrieval tasks, in comparison to more narrowly focused models operating in a priori selected feature spaces. The experiments also show that even relatively low feedback levels (i.e., tens of examples) can lead to a significant performance boost during the interactive retrieval process.


This paper describes a feature-rich model of data relevance, designed to aid first responder retrieval of useful information from social media sources during disasters or emergencies. The approach is meant to address the failure of traditional keyword-based methods to sufficiently suppress clutter during retrieval. The model iteratively incorporates relevance feedback...


A key-centric processor architecture for secure computing

Published in:
2016 IEEE Int. Symp. on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, HOST 2016, 3-5 May 2016.


We describe a novel key-centric processor architecture in which each piece of data or code can be protected by encryption while at rest, in transit, and in use. Using embedded key management for cryptographic key handling, our processor permits mutually distrusting software written by different entities to work closely together without divulging algorithmic parameters or secret program data. Since the architecture performs encryption, decryption, and key management deeply within the processor hardware, the attack surface is minimized without significant impact on performance or ease of use. The current prototype implementation is based on the Sparc architecture and is highly applicable to small to medium-sized processing loads.


We describe a novel key-centric processor architecture in which each piece of data or code can be protected by encryption while at rest, in transit, and in use. Using embedded key management for cryptographic key handling, our processor permits mutually distrusting software written by different entities to work closely together...


Storage and Database Management for Big Data

Published in:
Big Data: Storage, Sharing, and Security


The ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data is a growing problem within the scientific community. The growing gap between data and user calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity, and verity. While there has been great progress in the world of database technologies in the past few years, there are still many fundamental considerations that must be made by scientists. For example, which of the seemingly infinite technologies are the best to use for my problem? Answers to such questions require careful understanding of the technology field in addition to the types of problems that are being solved. This chapter aims to address many of the pressing questions faced by individuals interesting in using sotrage or database technologies to solve their big data problems.


The ability to collect and analyze large amounts of data is a growing problem within the scientific community. The growing gap between data and user calls for innovative tools that address the challenges faced by big data volume, velocity, and verity. While there has been great progress in the world...


Cryptography for Big Data security

Published in:
Chapter 10 in Big Data: Storage, Sharing, and Security, 2016, pp. 214-87.


This chapter focuses on state-of-the-art provably secure cryptographic techniques for protecting big data applications. We do not focus on more established, and commonly available cryptographic solutions. The goal is to inform practitioners of new techniques to consider as they develop new big data solutions rather than to summarize the current best practice for securing data.


This chapter focuses on state-of-the-art provably secure cryptographic techniques for protecting big data applications. We do not focus on more established, and commonly available cryptographic solutions. The goal is to inform practitioners of new techniques to consider as they develop new big data solutions rather than to summarize the current...


A reverse approach to named entity extraction and linking in microposts

Published in:
Proc. of the 6th Workshop on "Making Sense of Microposts" (part of: 25th Int. World Wide Web Conf., 11 April 2016), #Microposts2016, pp. 67-69.


In this paper, we present a pipeline for named entity extraction and linking that is designed specifically for noisy, grammatically inconsistent domains where traditional named entity techniques perform poorly. Our approach leverages a large knowledge base to improve entity recognition, while maintaining the use of traditional NER to identify mentions that are not co-referent with any entities in the knowledge base.


In this paper, we present a pipeline for named entity extraction and linking that is designed specifically for noisy, grammatically inconsistent domains where traditional named entity techniques perform poorly. Our approach leverages a large knowledge base to improve entity recognition, while maintaining the use of traditional NER to identify mentions...