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AI enabling technologies: a survey


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the opportunity to revolutionize the way the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community (IC) address the challenges of evolving threats, data deluge, and rapid courses of action. Developing an end-to-end artificial intelligence system involves parallel development of different pieces that must work together in order to provide capabilities that can be used by decision makers, warfighters and analysts. These pieces include data collection, data conditioning, algorithms, computing, robust artificial intelligence, and human-machine teaming. While much of the popular press today surrounds advances in algorithms and computing, most modern AI systems leverage advances across numerous different fields. Further, while certain components may not be as visible to end-users as others, our experience has shown that each of these interrelated components play a major role in the success or failure of an AI system. This article is meant to highlight many of these technologies that are involved in an end-to-end AI system. The goal of this article is to provide readers with an overview of terminology, technical details and recent highlights from academia, industry and government. Where possible, we indicate relevant resources that can be used for further reading and understanding.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the opportunity to revolutionize the way the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community (IC) address the challenges of evolving threats, data deluge, and rapid courses of action. Developing an end-to-end artificial intelligence system involves parallel development of different pieces that must work together...


Security considerations for next-generation operating systems for cyber-physical systems

Published in:
1st Intl. Workshop on Next-Generation Operating Systems for Cyber-Physical Systems, NGOSCPS, 15 April 2019.


Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are increasingly targeted in high-profile cyber attacks. Examples of such attacks include Stuxnet, which targeted nuclear centrifuges; Crashoverride, and Triton, which targeted power grids; and the Mirai botnet, which targeted internet-of-things (IoT) devices such as cameras to carry out a large-scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Such attacks demonstrate the importance of securing current and future cyber-physical systems. Therefore, next-generation operating systems (OSes) for CPS need to be designed to provide security features necessary, as well as be secure in and of themselves. CPSs are designed with one of three broad classes of OSes: (a) bare-metal applications with effectively no operating system, (b) embedded systems executing on impoverished platforms running an embedded or real-time operating system (RTOS) such as FreeRTOS, or (c) more performant platforms running general purpose OSes such as Linux, sometimes tuned for real-time performance such as through the PREEMPT_RT patch. In cases (a) and (b), the OS, if any, is very minimal to facilitate improved resource utilization in real-time or latency-sensitive applications, especially running on impoverished hardware platforms. In such OSes, security is often overlooked, and many important security features (e.g. process/kernel memory isolation) are notably absent. In case (c), the general-purpose OS inherits many of the security-related features that are critical in enterprise and general-purpose applications, such as virtual memory and address-space layout randomization (ASLR). However, the highly complex nature of general-purpose OSes can be problematic in the development of CPSs, as they are highly non-deterministic and difficult to formally reason about for cyber-physical applications, which often have real-time constraints. These issues motivate the need for a next generation OS that is highly capable, predictable and deterministic for real-time performance, but also secure in the face of many of the next generation of cyber threats. In order to design such a next-generation OS, it is necessary to first reflect on the types of threats that CPSs face, including the attacker intentions and types of effects that can be achieved, as well as the type of access that attackers have. While threat models are not the same for all CPSs, it is important to understand how the threat models for CPSs compare to general-purpose or enterprise computing environments. We discuss these issues next (Sec. 2), before providing insights and recommendations for approaches to incorporate in next-generation OSes for CPS in Sec. 3.


Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are increasingly targeted in high-profile cyber attacks. Examples of such attacks include Stuxnet, which targeted nuclear centrifuges; Crashoverride, and Triton, which targeted power grids; and the Mirai botnet, which targeted internet-of-things (IoT) devices such as cameras to carry out a large-scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Such attacks...


Design and analysis framework for trusted and assured microelectronics

Published in:
GOMACTech 2019, 25-28 March 2019.


An in-depth understanding of microelectronics assurance in Department of Defense (DoD) missions is increasingly important as the DoD continues to address supply chain challenges. Many studies take a "bottom-up" approach, in which vulnerabilities are assessed in terms of general-purpose usage. This is beneficial in developing a general knowledge foundation. However, it does not offer much insight for program managers, technical leads, etc. to determine, for a specific mission and operating environment, the risks and requirements to using a microelectronic device. It is critical to develop a systematic approach that considers mission objectives, as the same component could be used in a weapon system or a surveillance system with significantly different requirements. We have been developing a Trusted and Assured Microelectronics (T&AM) Framework, which considers the entire system life cycle to produce mission-specific metrics and assessments. A radar system exemplar illustrates the approach and how the metric can be used as a Figure of Merit for quantitative analysis during development.


An in-depth understanding of microelectronics assurance in Department of Defense (DoD) missions is increasingly important as the DoD continues to address supply chain challenges. Many studies take a "bottom-up" approach, in which vulnerabilities are assessed in terms of general-purpose usage. This is beneficial in developing a general knowledge foundation. However...


HARDEN: A high assurance design environment


Systems resilient to cyber-attacks for mission assurance are difficult to develop, and the means of effectively evaluating them is even harder. We have developed a new architectural design and engineering environment, referred to as HARDEN (High AssuRance Design ENvironment), which supports an agile design methodology used to create secure and resilient systems. This new toolkit facilitates the quantitative analysis of a system's security posture by setting up a systematic approach of securing and analyzing embedded systems. HARDEN promotes the early co-design of functionality and security that now enables the development of mission assured systems.


Systems resilient to cyber-attacks for mission assurance are difficult to develop, and the means of effectively evaluating them is even harder. We have developed a new architectural design and engineering environment, referred to as HARDEN (High AssuRance Design ENvironment), which supports an agile design methodology used to create secure and...


Understanding Mission-Driven Resiliency Workshop


MIT Lincoln Laboratory hosted an invitation-only, one-day interdisciplinary workshop entitled
“Understanding Mission-Driven Resiliency” on behalf of the US Air Force, on March 18, 2019 at MIT
Lincoln Laboratory Beaver Works in Cambridge, MA. Participants began to bridge the gap between
government and industry to improve the resiliency of government systems to cyber attacks. The
workshop focused on understanding and defining resiliency from different perspectives and included
five panels devoted to discussing how different industries view and manage resiliency within their
organizations, the sources of resiliency within organizations and software-intensive systems, measuring
resiliency, and building resiliency within an organization or technology stack.


MIT Lincoln Laboratory hosted an invitation-only, one-day interdisciplinary workshop entitled
“Understanding Mission-Driven Resiliency” on behalf of the US Air Force, on March 18, 2019 at MIT
Lincoln Laboratory Beaver Works in Cambridge, MA. Participants began to bridge the gap between
government and industry to improve the resiliency of government systems...


FastDAWG: improving data migration in the BigDAWG polystore system

Published in:
Poly 2018/DMAH 2018, LNCS 11470, 2019, pp. 3–15.


The problem of data integration has been around for decades, yet a satisfactory solution has not yet emerged. A new type of system called a polystore has surfaced to partially address the integration problem. Based on experience with our own polystore called Big-DAWG, we identify three major roadblocks to an acceptable commercial solution. We offer a new architecture inspired by these three problems that trades some generality for usability. This architecture also exploits modern hardware (i.e., high-speed networks and RDMA) to gain performance. The paper concludes with some promising experimental results.


The problem of data integration has been around for decades, yet a satisfactory solution has not yet emerged. A new type of system called a polystore has surfaced to partially address the integration problem. Based on experience with our own polystore called Big-DAWG, we identify three major roadblocks to an...


Scaling big data platform for big data pipeline

Published in:
Submitted to Northeast Database Day, NEBD 2020,


Monitoring and Managing High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and environments generate an ever growing amount of data. Making sense of this data and generating a platform where the data can be visualized for system administrators and management to proactively identify system failures or understand the state of the system requires the platform to be as efficient and scalable as the underlying database tools used to store and analyze the data. In this paper we will show how we leverage Accumulo, d4m, and Unity to generate a 3D visualization platform to monitor and manage the Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputer systems and how we have had to retool our approach to scale with our systems.


Monitoring and Managing High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and environments generate an ever growing amount of data. Making sense of this data and generating a platform where the data can be visualized for system administrators and management to proactively identify system failures or understand the state of the system requires...


Guidelines for secure small satellite design and implementation: FY18 Cyber Security Line-Supported Program


We are on the cusp of a computational renaissance in space, and we should not bring past terrestrial missteps along. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) processors -- much more powerful than traditional rad-hard devices -- are increasingly used in a variety of low-altitude, short-duration CubeSat class missions. With this new-found headroom, the incessant drumbeat of "faster, cheaper, faster, cheaper" leads a familiar march towards Linux and a menagerie of existing software packages, each more bloated and challenging to secure than the last. Lincoln Laboratory has started a pilot effort to design and prototype an exemplar secure satellite processing platform, initially geared toward CubeSats but with a clear path to larger missions and future high performance rad-hard processors. The goal is to provide engineers a secure "grab-and-go" architecture that doesn't unduly hamstring aggressive build timelines yet still provides a foundation of security that can serve adopting systems well, as well as future systems derived from them. This document lays out the problem space for cybersecurity in this domain, derives design guidelines for future secure space systems, proposes an exemplar architecture that implements the guidelines, and provides a solid starting point for near-term and future satellite processing.


We are on the cusp of a computational renaissance in space, and we should not bring past terrestrial missteps along. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) processors -- much more powerful than traditional rad-hard devices -- are increasingly used in a variety of low-altitude, short-duration CubeSat class missions. With this new-found headroom, the...


A billion updates per second using 30,000 hierarchical in-memory D4M databases


Analyzing large scale networks requires high performance streaming updates of graph representations of these data. Associative arrays are mathematical objects combining properties of spreadsheets, databases, matrices, and graphs, and are well-suited for representing and analyzing streaming network data. The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) library implements associative arrays in a variety of languages (Python, Julia, and Matlab/Octave) and provides a lightweight in-memory database. Associative arrays are designed for block updates. Streaming updates to a large associative array requires a hierarchical implementation to optimize the performance of the memory hierarchy. Running 34,000 instances of a hierarchical D4M associative arrays on 1,100 server nodes on the MIT SuperCloud achieved a sustained update rate of 1,900,000,000 updates per second. This capability allows the MIT SuperCloud to analyze extremely large streaming network data sets.


Analyzing large scale networks requires high performance streaming updates of graph representations of these data. Associative arrays are mathematical objects combining properties of spreadsheets, databases, matrices, and graphs, and are well-suited for representing and analyzing streaming network data. The Dynamic Distributed Dimensional Data Model (D4M) library implements associative arrays in...


Artificial intelligence: short history, present developments, and future outlook, final report


The Director's Office at MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) requested a comprehensive study on artificial intelligence (AI) focusing on present applications and future science and technology (S&T) opportunities in the Cyber Security and Information Sciences Division (Division 5). This report elaborates on the main results from the study. Since the AI field is evolving so rapidly, the study scope was to look at the recent past and ongoing developments to lead to a set of findings and recommendations. It was important to begin with a short AI history and a lay-of-the-land on representative developments across the Department of Defense (DoD), intelligence communities (IC), and Homeland Security. These areas are addressed in more detail within the report. A main deliverable from the study was to formulate an end-to-end AI canonical architecture that was suitable for a range of applications. The AI canonical architecture, formulated in the study, serves as the guiding framework for all the sections in this report. Even though the study primarily focused on cyber security and information sciences, the enabling technologies are broadly applicable to many other areas. Therefore, we dedicate a full section on enabling technologies in Section 3. The discussion on enabling technologies helps the reader clarify the distinction among AI, machine learning algorithms, and specific techniques to make an end-to-end AI system viable. In order to understand what is the lay-of-the-land in AI, study participants performed a fairly wide reach within MIT LL and external to the Laboratory (government, commercial companies, defense industrial base, peers, academia, and AI centers). In addition to the study participants (shown in the next section under acknowledgements), we also assembled an internal review team (IRT). The IRT was extremely helpful in providing feedback and in helping with the formulation of the study briefings, as we transitioned from datagathering mode to the study synthesis. The format followed throughout the study was to highlight relevant content that substantiates the study findings, and identify a set of recommendations. An important finding is the significant AI investment by the so-called "big 6" commercial companies. These major commercial companies are Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and IBM. They dominate in the AI ecosystem research and development (R&D) investments within the U.S. According to a recent McKinsey Global Institute report, cumulative R&D investment in AI amounts to about $30 billion per year. This amount is substantially higher than the R&D investment within the DoD, IC, and Homeland Security. Therefore, the DoD will need to be very strategic about investing where needed, while at the same time leveraging the technologies already developed and available from a wide range of commercial applications. As we will discuss in Section 1 as part of the AI history, MIT LL has been instrumental in developing advanced AI capabilities. For example, MIT LL has a long history in the development of human language technologies (HLT) by successfully applying machine learning algorithms to difficult problems in speech recognition, machine translation, and speech understanding. Section 4 elaborates on prior applications of these technologies, as well as newer applications in the context of multi-modalities (e.g., speech, text, images, and video). An end-to-end AI system is very well suited to enhancing the capabilities of human language analysis. Section 5 discusses AI's nascent role in cyber security. There have been cases where AI has already provided important benefits. However, much more research is needed in both the application of AI to cyber security and the associated vulnerability to the so-called adversarial AI. Adversarial AI is an area very critical to the DoD, IC, and Homeland Security, where malicious adversaries can disrupt AI systems and make them untrusted in operational environments. This report concludes with specific recommendations by formulating the way forward for Division 5 and a discussion of S&T challenges and opportunities. The S&T challenges and opportunities are centered on the key elements of the AI canonical architecture to strengthen the AI capabilities across the DoD, IC, and Homeland Security in support of national security.


The Director's Office at MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) requested a comprehensive study on artificial intelligence (AI) focusing on present applications and future science and technology (S&T) opportunities in the Cyber Security and Information Sciences Division (Division 5). This report elaborates on the main results from the study. Since the...