Bringing physical construction and real-world data collection into a massively open online course (MOOC)
This Work-In-Progress paper details the process and lessons learned when converting a hands-on engineering minicourse to a scalable, self-paced Massively Open Online Course (MOOC). Online courseware has been part of academic and industry training and learning for decades. Learning activities in online courses strive to mimic in-person delivery by including...
Streaming graph challenge: stochastic block partition
An important objective for analyzing real-world graphs is to achieve scalable performance on large, streaming graphs. A challenging and relevant example is the graph partition problem. As a combinatorial problem, graph partition is NP-hard, but existing relaxation methods provide reasonable approximate solutions that can be scaled for large graphs. Competitive...
Static graph challenge: subgraph isomorphism
The rise of graph analytic systems has created a need for ways to measure and compare the capabilities of these systems. Graph analytics present unique scalability difficulties. The machine learning, high performance computing, and visual analytics communities have wrestled with these difficulties for decades and developed methodologies for creating challenges...
Performance measurements of supercomputing and cloud storage solutions
Increasing amounts of data from varied sources, particularly in the fields of machine learning and graph analytics, are causing storage requirements to grow rapidly. A variety of technologies exist for storing and sharing these data, ranging from parallel file systems used by supercomputers to distributed block storage systems found in...
Fabrication security and trust of domain-specific ASIC processors
Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are commonly used to implement high-performance signal-processing systems for high-volume applications, but their high development costs and inflexible nature make ASICs inappropriate for algorithm development and low-volume DoD applications. In addition, the intellectual property (IP) embedded in the ASIC is at risk when fabricated in...
Wind turbine interference mitigation using a waveform diversity radar
Interference from the proliferation of wind turbines is becoming a problem for ground-based medium-to-high pulse repetition frequency (PRF) pulsed–Doppler air surveillance radars. This paper demonstrates that randomizing some parameters of the transmit waveform from pulse to pulse, a filter can be designed to suppress both the wind turbine interference and...
In-storage embedded accelerator for sparse pattern processing
We present a novel architecture for sparse pattern processing, using flash storage with embedded accelerators. Sparse pattern processing on large data sets is the essence of applications such as document search, natural language processing, bioinformatics, subgraph matching, machine learning, and graph processing. One slice of our prototype accelerator is capable...
Novel graph processor architecture, prototype system, and results
Graph algorithms are increasingly used in applications that exploit large databases. However, conventional processor architectures are inadequate for handling the throughput and memory requirements of graph computation. Lincoln Laboratory's graph-processor architecture represents a rethinking of parallel architectures for graph problems. Our processor utilizes innovations that include a sparse matrix-based graph...
Application of the Fornasini-Marchesini first model to data collected on a complex target model
This work describes the computation of scatterers that lay on the body of a real target which are depicted in radar images. A novelty of the approach is the target echoes collected by the radar are formulated into the first Fornasini-Marchesini (F-M) state space model to compute poles that give...
Very large graphs for information extraction (VLG) - summary of first-year proof-of-concept study
In numerous application domains relevant to the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community, data of interest take the form of entities and the relationships between them, and these data are commonly represented as graphs. Under the Very Large Graphs for Information Extraction effort--a one-year proof-of-concept study--MIT LL developed novel...