Afterpulsing in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for 1.06um wavelength
We consider the phenomenon of afterpulsing in avalanche photodiodes (APDs) operating in gated and free-running Geiger mode. An operational model of afterpulsing and other noise characteristics of APDs predicts the noise behavior observed in the free-running mode. We also use gated-mode data to investigate possible sources of afterpulsing in these...
1.5-um Tapered-Gain-Region Lasers with High-CW Output Powers
High-power diode lasers consisting of a ridge-waveguide section coupled to a tapered region have been fabricated in 1.5um InGaAsP-InP multiple-quantum-well material. Self-focusing at high current densities and high-intensity input into the taper section has been identified as a fundamental problem in these devices that has to be dealt with. To...