Assessing delay benefits of the Final Approach Spacing Tool (FAST)
Air traffic delay grows each year. NASA is developing the Final Approach Spacing Tool (FAST) to help reduce airport arrival delays. FAST is intended to increase throughput and reduce delays. Analysis and field trials have suggested that FAST can help controllers increase arrival throughput on busy runways by several aircraft...
Using surface surveillance to help reduce taxi delays
Taxi delay is the largest of all aviation movement delays. However, taxi-out delays have not received attention equal to that focused on airborne delays because taxi-out delays often result from downstream problems. Also, until recently, there was no practical means of tracking surface movements. New surface surveillance technology will revolutionize...
Role of FAA/NWS terminal weather sensors and terminal air traffic automation in providing a vortex advisory service
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is developing a number of terminal weather sensors and a terminal weather information system which can make important contributions toward an operational wake vortex advisory service. Although these systems have been developed to meet other important weather information needs, their existence/development offers the possibility of...
Planning horizon requirements for automated terminal scheduling
This paper presents the results of an engineering analysis of the ability of an automated terminal scheduling process to achieve efficient use of runways. The motivation for the analysis is the need to understand possible architectures for an implementation of the proposed Terminal Air Traffic Automation (TATCA) system. The performance...
Analysis of the potential benefits of Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (TATCA)
Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation (TATCA) is an FAA research and development program to provide computer-aided sequencing, spacing, and management of air traffic flows in terminal areas. This paper discusses technical and national economic benefits that are attainable with such a terminal automation program.
Experimental examination of the benefits of improved terminal air traffic control planning
Airport capacity can be improved significantly-by precisely controlling the sequence and timing of traffic flow-even when airspace usage and procedures remain fixed. In a preliminary experiment, a plan for such sequencing and timing was applied in a simulation to a 70-min traffic sample observed at Boston's Logan Airport, and the...
Using aircraft radar tracks to estimate winds aloft
In air traffic control, the wind is a critical factor because it affects, among other important variables, the amount of time an aircraft will take to reach its destination. The authors have developed a method for estimating winds aloft in which the radar tracks of aircraft are used; i.e., data...
Collision avoidance for Naval training aircraft
Lincoln Laboratory was tasked by the FAA to assist the Naval Air Training Command in evaluating the feasibility of using the FAA's TCAS I concept as the document summarizes the results of a brief study and flight test activity conducted to that end. It begins with a review of Lincoln...
A traffic alert and collision avoidance system for general aviation
One component of the Federal Aviation Administration approach to independent aircraft separation assurance is known as the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System I (TCAS I), which employs passive or active techniques for the detection of nearby transponder-equipped aircraft. This paper gives the results of a study conducted by Lincoln...
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS): a functional overview of minimum TCAS II
The Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is a beanon-based airborne collision avoidance system that is able to operate in all airspace without reliance on ground equipment. The TCAS concept encompasses a range of capabilities that include TCAS I, a low-cost, limited-perofrmance version, and TCAS II, which is intended...