Using surface surveillance to help reduce taxi delays
Taxi delay is the largest of all aviation movement delays. However, taxi-out delays have not received attention equal to that focused on airborne delays because taxi-out delays often result from downstream problems. Also, until recently, there was no practical means of tracking surface movements. New surface surveillance technology will revolutionize...
An operational concept for the Smart Landing Facility (SLF)
This paper describes an operational concept for the Smart Landing Facility (SLF). The SLF is proposed as a component of the Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) and is envisioned to utilize Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) technologies to support higher-volume air traffic operations in a wider variety...
The effects of compression-induced distortion of graphical weather images on pilot perception, acceptance, and performance
The Graphical Weather Service (GWS) is a data link application that will provide near-real-time graphical weather information to pilots in flight. To assess the effect GWS, as well as to aid in the proper design, implementation and certification of the use of GWS in aircraft, two human factors studies have...
A human factors approach to the development and evaluation of the Graphical Weather Service
With the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration, MIT Lincoln Laboratory is developing the Graphical Weather Service (GWS), a data link application that provides near-real-time ground-based weather information to pilots. Through the use of GWS, the pilot will be able to access both graphical and text weather information for any...
GPS-squitter automatic dependent surveillance broadcast: flight testing in the Gulf of Mexico
During November - December 1994, MIT Lincoln Laboratory conducted a field evaluation of the air surveillance capabilities of GPS-Squitter in the Gulf of Mexico. Three squitter ground stations were located in the vincinity of Morgan City, Louisiana, for this evaluation: two were located on offshore oil platforms, and the third...
The influence of data link-provided graphical weather on pilot decision-making
This report documents the findings of a human factor study conducted to estimate the effects of the Graphical-Weather Service (GWS) on general aviation (GA) aircraft utility, pilot situational awareness, and the weather dissemination workload on ground personnel. GWS is a data link application, being developed at MIT Lincoln Lbaoratory through...
Real-time simulation for air traffic control research and development
An approach is suggested for the incremental use of real-time ATC simulations for concept development and human factors evaluation of automation systems. Emphasis is placed on the characteristics that distinguish research simulators from those used primarily for training. Four general levels of simulator fidelity are identified for two ATC environments...