Implicitly-defined neural networks for sequence labeling
In this work, we propose a novel, implicitly defined neural network architecture and describe a method to compute its components. The proposed architecture forgoes the causality assumption previously used to formulate recurrent neural networks and allow the hidden states of the network to coupled together, allowing potential improvement on problems...
Automated provenance analytics: a regular grammar based approach with applications in security
Provenance collection techniques have been carefully studied in the literature, and there are now several systems to automatically capture provenance data. However, the analysis of provenance data is often left "as an exercise for the reader". The provenance community needs tools that allow users to quickly sort through large volumes...
SoK: cryptographically protected database search
Protected database search systems cryptographically isolate the roles of reading from, writing to, and administering the database. This separation limits unnecessary administrator access and protects data in the case of system breaches. Since protected search was introduced in 2000, the area has grown rapidly, systems are offered by academia, start-ups...
Fabrication security and trust of domain-specific ASIC processors
Application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) are commonly used to implement high-performance signal-processing systems for high-volume applications, but their high development costs and inflexible nature make ASICs inappropriate for algorithm development and low-volume DoD applications. In addition, the intellectual property (IP) embedded in the ASIC is at risk when fabricated in...
Twitter language identification of similar languages and dialects without ground truth
We present a new method to bootstrap filter Twitter language ID labels in our dataset for automatic language identification (LID). Our method combines geolocation, original Twitter LID labels, and Amazon Mechanical Turk to resolve missing and unreliable labels. We are the first to compare LID classification performance using the MIRA...
Bounded-collusion attribute-based encryption from minimal assumptions
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables encryption of messages under access policies so that only users with attributes satisfying the policy can decrypt the ciphertext. In standard ABE, an arbitrary number of colluding users, each without an authorized attribute set, cannot decrypt the ciphertext. However, all existing ABE schemes rely on concrete...
Detecting virus exposure during the pre-symptomatic incubation period using physiological data
Early pathogen exposure detection allows better patient care and faster implementation of public health measures (patient isolation, contact tracing). Existing exposure detection most frequently relies on overt clinical symptoms, namely fever, during the infectious prodromal period. We have developed a robust machine learning method to better detect asymptomatic states during...
SIAM data mining "brings it" to annual meeting
The Data Mining Activity Group is one of SIAM's most vibrant and dynamic activity groups. To better share our enthusiasm for data mining with the broader SIAM community, our activity group organized six minisymposia at the 2016 Annual Meeting. These minisymposia included 48 talks organized by 11 SIAM members.
Learning by doing, High Performance Computing education in the MOOC era
The High Performance Computing (HPC) community has spent decades developing tools that teach practitioners to harness the power of parallel and distributed computing. To create scalable and flexible educational experiences for practitioners in all phases of a career, we turn to Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs). We detail the design...
Interactive synthesis of code-level security rules
Software engineers inadvertently introduce bugs into software during the development process and these bugs can potentially be exploited once the software is deployed. As the size and complexity of software systems increase, it is important that we are able to verify and validate not only that the software behaves as...