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An evaluation of audio-visual person recognition on the XM2VTS corpus using the Lausanne protocols

Published in:
Proc. 32nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, April 2007, pp. IV-237 - 240.


A multimodal person recognition architecture has been developed for the purpose of improving overall recognition performance and for addressing channel-specific performance shortfalls. This multimodal architecture includes the fusion of a face recognition system with the MIT/LLGMM/UBM speaker recognition architecture. This architecture exploits the complementary and redundant nature of the face and speech modalities. The resulting multimodal architecture has been evaluated on theXM2VTS corpus using the Lausanne open set verification protocols, and demonstrates excellent recognition performance. The multimodal architecture also exhibits strong recognition performance gains over the performance of the individual modalities.


A multimodal person recognition architecture has been developed for the purpose of improving overall recognition performance and for addressing channel-specific performance shortfalls. This multimodal architecture includes the fusion of a face recognition system with the MIT/LLGMM/UBM speaker recognition architecture. This architecture exploits the complementary and redundant nature of the face...


Robust speaker recognition with cross-channel data: MIT-LL results on the 2006 NIST SRE auxiliary microphone task

Published in:
Proc. 32nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, April 2007, pp. IV-49 - IV-52.


One particularly difficult challenge for cross-channel speaker verification is the auxiliary microphone task introduced in the 2005 and 2006 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluations, where training uses telephone speech and verification uses speech from multiple auxiliary microphones. This paper presents two approaches to compensate for the effects of auxiliary microphones on the speech signal. The first compensation method mitigates session effects through Latent Factor Analysis (LFA) and Nuisance Attribute Projection (NAP). The second approach operates directly on the recorded signal with noise reduction techniques. Results are presented that show a reduction in the performance gap between telephone and auxiliary microphone data.


One particularly difficult challenge for cross-channel speaker verification is the auxiliary microphone task introduced in the 2005 and 2006 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluations, where training uses telephone speech and verification uses speech from multiple auxiliary microphones. This paper presents two approaches to compensate for the effects of auxiliary microphones on...


Multisensor dynamic waveform fusion

Published in:
Proc. 32nd Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, April 2007, pp. IV-577 - IV-580.


Speech communication is significantly more difficult in severe acoustic background noise environments, especially when low-rate speech coders are used. Non-acoustic sensors, such as radar sensors, vibrometers, and bone-conduction microphones, offer significant potential in these situations. We extend previous work on fixed waveform fusion from multiple sensors to an optimal dynamic waveform fusion algorithm that minimizes both additive noise and signal distortion in the estimated speech signal. We show that a minimum mean squared error (MMSE) waveform matching criterion results in a generalized multichannel Wiener filter, and that this filter will simultaneously perform waveform fusion, noise suppression, and crosschannel noise cancellation. Formal intelligibility and quality testing demonstrate significant improvement from this approach.


Speech communication is significantly more difficult in severe acoustic background noise environments, especially when low-rate speech coders are used. Non-acoustic sensors, such as radar sensors, vibrometers, and bone-conduction microphones, offer significant potential in these situations. We extend previous work on fixed waveform fusion from multiple sensors to an optimal dynamic...


Auditory modeling as a basis for spectral modulation analysis with application to speaker recognition

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report TR-1119


This report explores auditory modeling as a basis for robust automatic speaker verification. Specifically, we have developed feature-extraction front-ends that incorporate (1) time-varying, level-dependent filtering, (2) variations in analysis filterbank size,and (3) nonlinear adaptation. Our methods are motivated both by a desire to better mimic auditory processing relative to traditional front-ends (e.g., the mel-cepstrum) as well as by reported gains in automatic speech recognition robustness exploiting similar principles. Traditional mel-cepstral features in automatic speaker recognition are derived from ~20 invariant band-pass filter weights, thereby discarding temporal structure from phase. In contrast, cochlear frequency decomposition can be more precisely modeled as the output of ~3500 time-varying, level-dependent filters. Auditory signal processing is therefore more resolved in frequency than mel-cepstral analysis and also derives temporal information. Furthermore, loss of level-dependence has been suggested to reduce human speech reception in adverse acoustic environments. We were thus motivated to employ a recently proposed level-dependent compressed gammachirp filterbank in feature extraction as well as vary the number of filters or filter weights to improve frequency resolution. We are also simulating nonlinear adaptation models of inner hair cell function along the basilar membrane that presumably mimic temporal masking effects. Auditory-based front-ends are being evaluated with the Lincoln Laboratory Gaussian mixture model recognizer on the TIMIT database under clean and noisy (additive Gaussian white noise) conditions. Preliminary results of features derived from our auditory models suggest that they provide complementary information to the mel-cepstrum under clean and noisy conditions, resulting in speaker recognition performance improvements.


This report explores auditory modeling as a basis for robust automatic speaker verification. Specifically, we have developed feature-extraction front-ends that incorporate (1) time-varying, level-dependent filtering, (2) variations in analysis filterbank size,and (3) nonlinear adaptation. Our methods are motivated both by a desire to better mimic auditory processing relative to traditional...


Analysis of nonmodal phonation using minimum entropy deconvolution

Published in:
Proc. Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP INTERSPEECH, 17-21 September 2006, pp. 1702-1705.


Nonmodal phonation occurs when glottal pulses exhibit nonuniform pulse-to-pulse characteristics such as irregular spacings, amplitudes, and/or shapes. The analysis of regions of such nonmodality has application to automatic speech, speaker, language, and dialect recognition. In this paper, we examine the usefulness of a technique called minimum-entropy deconvolution, or MED, for the analysis of pulse events in nonmodal speech. Our study presents evidence for both natural and synthetic speech that MED decomposes nonmodal phonation into a series of sharp pulses and a set of mixedphase impulse responses. We show that the estimated impulse responses are quantitatively similar to those in our synthesis model. A hybrid method incorporating aspects of both MED and linear prediction is also introduced. We show preliminary evidence that the hybrid method has benefit over MED alone for composite impulse-response estimation by being more robust to short-time windowing effects as well as a speech aspiration noise component.


Nonmodal phonation occurs when glottal pulses exhibit nonuniform pulse-to-pulse characteristics such as irregular spacings, amplitudes, and/or shapes. The analysis of regions of such nonmodality has application to automatic speech, speaker, language, and dialect recognition. In this paper, we examine the usefulness of a technique called minimum-entropy deconvolution, or MED, for...


Pitch-scale modification using the modulated aspiration noise source

Published in:
INTERSPEECH, 17-21 September 2006.


Spectral harmonic/noise component analysis of spoken vowels shows evidence of noise modulations with peaks in the estimated noise source component synchronous with both the open phase of the periodic source and with time instants of glottal closure. Inspired by this observation of natural modulations and of fullband energy in the aspiration noise source, we develop an alternate approach to high-quality pitch-scale modification of continuous speech. Our strategy takes a dual processing approach, in which the harmonic and noise components of the speech signal are separately analyzed, modified, and re-synthesized. The periodic component is modified using standard modification techniques, and the noise component is handled by modifying characteristics of its source waveform. Since we have modeled an inherent coupling between the periodic and aspiration noise sources, the modification algorithm is designed to preserve the synchrony between temporal modulations of the two sources. The reconstructed modified signal is perceived in informal listening to be natural-sounding and typically reduces artifacts that occur in standard modification techniques.


Spectral harmonic/noise component analysis of spoken vowels shows evidence of noise modulations with peaks in the estimated noise source component synchronous with both the open phase of the periodic source and with time instants of glottal closure. Inspired by this observation of natural modulations and of fullband energy in the...


Missing feature theory with soft spectral subtraction for speaker verification

Published in:
Interspeech 2006, ICSLP, 17-21 September 2006.


This paper considers the problem of training/testing mismatch in the context of speaker verification and, in particular, explores the application of missing feature theory in the case of additive white Gaussian noise corruption in testing. Missing feature theory allows for corrupted features to be removed from scoring, the initial step of which is the detection of these features. One method of detection, employing spectral subtraction, is studied in a controlled manner and it is shown that with missing feature compensation the resulting verification performance is improved as long as a minimum number of features remain. Finally, a blending of "soft" spectral subtraction for noise mitigation and missing feature compensation is presented. The resulting performance improves on the constituent techniques alone, reducing the equal error rate by about 15% over an SNR range of 5 - 25 dB.


This paper considers the problem of training/testing mismatch in the context of speaker verification and, in particular, explores the application of missing feature theory in the case of additive white Gaussian noise corruption in testing. Missing feature theory allows for corrupted features to be removed from scoring, the initial step...


Exploiting nonacoustic sensors for speech encoding


The intelligibility of speech transmitted through low-rate coders is severely degraded when high levels of acoustic noise are present in the acoustic environment. Recent advances in nonacoustic sensors, including microwave radar, skin vibration, and bone conduction sensors, provide the exciting possibility of both glottal excitation and, more generally, vocal tract measurements that are relatively immune to acoustic disturbances and can supplement the acoustic speech waveform. We are currently investigating methods of combining the output of these sensors for use in low-rate encoding according to their capability in representing specific speech characteristics in different frequency bands. Nonacoustic sensors have the ability to reveal certain speech attributes lost in the noisy acoustic signal; for example, low-energy consonant voice bars, nasality, and glottalized excitation. By fusing nonacoustic low-frequency and pitch content with acoustic-microphone content, we have achieved significant intelligibility performance gains using the DRT across a variety of environments over the government standard 2400-bps MELPe coder. By fusing quantized high-band 4-to-8-kHz speech, requiring only an additional 116 bps, we obtain further DRT performance gains by exploiting the ear's insensitivity to fine spectral detail in this frequency region.


The intelligibility of speech transmitted through low-rate coders is severely degraded when high levels of acoustic noise are present in the acoustic environment. Recent advances in nonacoustic sensors, including microwave radar, skin vibration, and bone conduction sensors, provide the exciting possibility of both glottal excitation and, more generally, vocal tract...


Synthesis, analysis, and pitch modification of the breathy vowel

Published in:
2005 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), 16-19 October 2005, pp. 199-202.


Breathiness is an aspect of voice quality that is difficult to analyze and synthesize, especially since its periodic and noise components are typically overlapping in frequency. The decomposition and manipulation of these two components is of importance in a variety of speech application areas such as text-to-speech synthesis, speech encoding, and clinical assessment of disordered voices. This paper first investigates the perceptual relevance of a speech production model that assumes the speech noise component is modulated by the glottal airflow waveform. After verifying the importance of noise modulation in breathy vowels, we use the modulation model to address the particular problem of pitch modification of this signal class. Using a decomposition method referred to as pitch-scaled harmonic filtering to extract the additive noise component, we introduce a pitch modification algorithm that explicitly modifies the modulation characteristic of this noise component. The approach applies envelope shaping to the noise source that is derived from the inverse-filtered noise component. Modification examples using synthetic and real breathy vowels indicate promising performance with spectrally-overlapping periodic and noise components.


Breathiness is an aspect of voice quality that is difficult to analyze and synthesize, especially since its periodic and noise components are typically overlapping in frequency. The decomposition and manipulation of these two components is of importance in a variety of speech application areas such as text-to-speech synthesis, speech encoding...


Automatic dysphonia recognition using biologically-inspired amplitude-modulation features

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. 1, 19-23 March 2005, pp. I-873 - I-876.


A dysphonia, or disorder of the mechanisms of phonation in the larynx, can create time-varying amplitude fluctuations in the voice. A model for band-dependent analysis of this amplitude modulation (AM) phenomenon in dysphonic speech is developed from a traditional communications engineering perspective. This perspective challenges current dysphonia analysis methods that analyze AM in the time-domain signal. An automatic dysphonia recognition system is designed to exploit AM in voice using a biologically-inspired model of the inferior colliculus. This system, built upon a Gaussian-mixture-model (GMM) classification backend, recognizes the presence of dysphonia in the voice signal. Recognition experiments using data obtained from the Kay Elemetrics Voice Disorders Database suggest that the system provides complementary information to state-of-the-art mel-cepstral features. We present dysphonia recognition as an approach to developing features that capture glottal source differences in normal speech.


A dysphonia, or disorder of the mechanisms of phonation in the larynx, can create time-varying amplitude fluctuations in the voice. A model for band-dependent analysis of this amplitude modulation (AM) phenomenon in dysphonic speech is developed from a traditional communications engineering perspective. This perspective challenges current dysphonia analysis methods that...