Social network analysis with content and graphs
Social network analysis has undergone a renaissance with the ubiquity and quantity of content from social media, web pages, and sensors. This content is a rich data source for constructing and analyzing social networks, but its enormity and unstructured nature also present multiple challenges. Work at Lincoln Laboratory is addressing...
The application of statistical relational learning to a database of criminal and terrorist activity
We apply statistical relational learning to a database of criminal and terrorist activity to predict attributes and event outcomes. The database stems from a collection of news articles and court records which are carefully annotated with a variety of variables, including categorical and continuous fields. Manual analysis of this data...
Detection and simulation of scenarios with hidden Markov models and event dependency graphs
The wide availability of signal processing and language tools to extract structured data from raw content has created a new opportunity for the processing of structured signals. In this work, we explore models for the simulation and recognition of scenarios - i.e., time sequences of structured data. For simulation, we...
Modeling and detection techniques for counter-terror social network analysis and intent recognition
In this paper, we describe our approach and initial results on modeling, detection, and tracking of terrorist groups and their intents based on multimedia data. While research on automated information extraction from multimedia data has yielded significant progress in areas such as the extraction of entities, links, and events, less...
Cognitive services for the user
Software-defined cognitive radios (CRs) use voice as a primary input/output (I/O) modality and are expected to have substantial computational resources capable of supporting advanced speech- and audio-processing applications. This chapter extends previous work on speech applications (e.g., [1]) to cognitive services that enhance military mission capability by capitalizing on automatic...
Exploiting nonacoustic sensors for speech encoding
The intelligibility of speech transmitted through low-rate coders is severely degraded when high levels of acoustic noise are present in the acoustic environment. Recent advances in nonacoustic sensors, including microwave radar, skin vibration, and bone conduction sensors, provide the exciting possibility of both glottal excitation and, more generally, vocal tract...
Measuring translation quality by testing English speakers with a new Defense Language Proficiency Test for Arabic
We present results from an experiment in which educated English-native speakers answered questions from a machine translated version of a standardized Arabic language test. We compare the machine translation (MT) results with professional reference translations as a baseline for the purpose of determining the level of Arabic reading comprehension that...
Measuring human readability of machine generated text: three case studies in speech recognition and machine translation
We present highlights from three experiments that test the readability of current state-of-the art system output from (1) an automated English speech-to-text system (2) a text-based Arabic-to-English machine translation system and (3) an audio-based Arabic-to-English MT process. We measure readability in terms of reaction time and passage comprehension in each...
New measures of effectiveness for human language technology
The field of human language technology (HLT) encompasses algorithms and applications dedicated to processing human speech and written communication. We focus on two types of HLT systems: (1) machine translation systems, which convert text and speech files from one human language to another, and (2) speech-to-text (STT) systems, which produce...
Robust collaborative multicast service for airborne command and control environment
RCM (Robust Collaborative Multicast) is a communication service designed to support collaborative applications operating in dynamic, mission-critical environments. RCM implements a set of well-specified message ordering and reliability properties that balance two conflicting goals: a)providing low-latency, highly-available, reliable communication service, and b) guaranteeing global consistency in how different participants perceive...