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Neural networks, Bayesian a posteriori probabilities, and pattern classification

Published in:
Chapter 4 in From Statistics to Neural Networks: Theory and Pattern Recognition Applications, 1994, pp. 83-104.


Researchers in the fields of neural networks, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence have followed three basic approaches to developing new pattern classifiers. Probability Density Function (PDF) classifiers include Gaussian and Gaussian Mixture classifiers which estimate distributions or densities of input features separately for each class. Posterior probability classifiers include multilayer perceptron neural networks with sigmoid nonlinearities and radial basis function networks. These classifiers estimate minimum-error Bayesian a posteriori probabilities (hereafter referred to as posterior probabilities) simultaneously for all classes. Boundary forming classifiers include hard-limiting single-layer perceptrons, hypersphere classifiers, and nearest neighbor classifiers. These classifiers have binary indicator outputs which form decision regions that specify the class of any input pattern. Posterior probability and boundary-forming classifiers are trained using discriminant training. All training data is used simultaneously to estimate Bayesian posterior probabilities or minimize overall classification error rates. PDF classifiers are trained using maximum likelihood approaches which individually model class distributions without regard to overall classification performance. Analytic results are presented which demonstrate that many neural network classifiers can accurately estimate posterior probabilities and that these neural network classifiers can sometimes provide lower error rates than PDF classifiers using the same number of trainable parameters. Experiments also demonstrate how interpretation of network outputs as posterior probabilities makes it possible to estimate the confidence of a classification decision, compensate for differences in class prior probabilities between test and training data, and combine outputs of multiple classifiers over time for speech recognition.


Researchers in the fields of neural networks, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence have followed three basic approaches to developing new pattern classifiers. Probability Density Function (PDF) classifiers include Gaussian and Gaussian Mixture classifiers which estimate distributions or densities of input features separately for each class. Posterior probability classifiers include...


Predicting the risk of complications in coronary artery bypass operations using neural networks

Published in:
Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Neural Information Processing Systems, NIPS, 1994, pp. 1055-62.


Experiments demonstrated that sigmoid multilayer perceptron (MLP) networks provide slightly better risk prediction than conventional logistic regression when used to predict the risk of death, stroke, and renal failure on 1257 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass operations at the Lahey Clinic. MLP networks with no hidden layer and networks with one hidden layer were trained using stochastic gradient descent with early stopping. MLP networks and logistic regression used the same input features and were evaluated using bootstrap sampling with 50 replications. ROC areas for predicting mortality using preoperative input features were 70.5% for logistic regression and 76.0% for MLP networks. Regularization provided by early stopping was an important component of improved performance. A simplified approach to generating confidence intervals for MLP risk predictions using an auxiliary "confidence MLP" was developed. The confidence MLP is trained to reproduce confidence intervals that were generated during training using the outputs of 50 MLP networks trained with different bootstrap samples.


Experiments demonstrated that sigmoid multilayer perceptron (MLP) networks provide slightly better risk prediction than conventional logistic regression when used to predict the risk of death, stroke, and renal failure on 1257 patients who underwent coronary artery bypass operations at the Lahey Clinic. MLP networks with no hidden layer and networks...


Figure of merit training for detection and spotting

Published in:
Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems, NIPS, 29 November - 2 December 1993.


Spotting tasks require detection of target patterns from a background of richly varied non-target inputs. The performance measure of interest for these tasks, called the figure of merit (FOM), is the detection rate for target patterns when the false alarm rate is in an acceptable range. A new approach to training spotters is presented which computes the FOM gradient for each input pattern and then directly maximizes the FOM using back propagation. This eliminates the need for thresholds during training. It also uses network resources to model Bayesian a posteriori probability functions accurately only for patterns which have a significant effect on the detection accuracy over the false alarm rate of interest. FOM training increased detection accuracy by 5 percentage points for a hybrid radial basis function (RBF) - hidden Markov model (HMM) wordspotter on the credit-card speech corpus.


Spotting tasks require detection of target patterns from a background of richly varied non-target inputs. The performance measure of interest for these tasks, called the figure of merit (FOM), is the detection rate for target patterns when the false alarm rate is in an acceptable range. A new approach to...


LNKnet: Neural network, machine-learning, and statistical software for pattern classification

Published in:
Lincoln Laboratory Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer/Fall 1993, pp. 249-268.


Pattern-classification and clustering algorithms are key components of modern information processing systems used to perform tasks such as speech and image recognition, printed-character recognition, medical diagnosis, fault detection, process control, and financial decision making. To simplify the task of applying these types of algorithms in new application areas, we have developed LNKnet-a software package that provides access to more than 20 pattern-classification, clustering, and feature-selection algorithms. Included are the most important algorithms from the fields of neural networks, statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The algorithms can be trained and tested on separate data or tested with automatic cross-validation. LNKnet runs under the UNM operating system and access to the different algorithms is provided through a graphical point-and-click user interface. Graphical outputs include two-dimensional (2-D) scatter and decision-region plots and 1-D plots of data histograms, classifier outputs, and error rates during training. Parameters of trained classifiers are stored in files from which the parameters can be translated into source-code subroutines (written in the C programming language) that can then be embedded in a user application program. Lincoln Laboratory and other research laboratories have used LNKnet successfully for many diverse applications.


Pattern-classification and clustering algorithms are key components of modern information processing systems used to perform tasks such as speech and image recognition, printed-character recognition, medical diagnosis, fault detection, process control, and financial decision making. To simplify the task of applying these types of algorithms in new application areas, we have...


A speech recognizer using radial basis function neural networks in an HMM framework

Published in:
ICASSP'92, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 1, Speech Processing 1, 23-26 March 1992, pp. 629-632.


A high performance speaker-independent isolated-word speech recognizer was developed which combines hidden Markov models (HMMs) and radial basis function (RBF) neural networks. RBF networks in this recognizer use discriminant training techniques to estimate Bayesian probabilities for each speech frame while HMM decoders estimate overall word likelihood scores for network outputs. RBF training is performed after the HMM recognizer has automatically segmented training tokens using forced Viterbi alignment. In recognition experiments using a speaker-independent E-set database, the hybrid recognizer had an error rate of 11.5% compared to 15.7% for the robust unimodal Gaussian HMM recognizer upon which the hybrid system was based. The error rate was also lower than that of a tied-mixture HMM recognizer with the same number of centers. These results demonstrate that RBF networks can be successfully incorporated in hybrid recognizers and suggest that they may be capable of good performance with fewer parameters than required by Gaussian mixture classifiers.


A high performance speaker-independent isolated-word speech recognizer was developed which combines hidden Markov models (HMMs) and radial basis function (RBF) neural networks. RBF networks in this recognizer use discriminant training techniques to estimate Bayesian probabilities for each speech frame while HMM decoders estimate overall word likelihood scores for network outputs...


Improved hidden Markov model speech recognition using radial basis function networks

Published in:
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Denver, CO, 2-5 December 1991.


A high performance speaker-independent isolated-word hybrid speech recognizer was developed which combines Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks. In recognition experiments using a speaker-independent E-set database, the hybrid recognizer had an error rate of 11.5% compared to 15.7% for the robust unimodal Gaussian HMM recognizer upon which the hybrid system was based. These results and additional experiments demonstrate that RBF networks can be successfully incorporated in hybrid recognizers and suggest that they may be capable of good performance with fewer parameters than required by Gaussian mixture classifiers. A global parameter optimization method designed to minimize the overall word error rather than the frame recognition error failed to reduce the error rate.


A high performance speaker-independent isolated-word hybrid speech recognizer was developed which combines Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks. In recognition experiments using a speaker-independent E-set database, the hybrid recognizer had an error rate of 11.5% compared to 15.7% for the robust unimodal Gaussian HMM recognizer...


Neural network classifiers estimate Bayesian a posteriori probabilities

Published in:
Neural Comput., Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter 1991, pp. 461-483.


Many neural network classifiers provide outputs which estimate Bayesian a posteriori probabilities. When the estimation is accurate, network outputs can be treated as probabilities and sum to one. Simple proofs show that Bayesian probabilities are estimated when desired network outputs are 1 of M (one output unity, all others zero) and a squared-error or mss-entropy cost function is used. Results of Monte Carlo simulations performed using multilayer perceptron (MLP) networks trained with backpropagation, radial basis function (RBD networks, and high-order polynomial networks graphically demonstrate that network outputs provide good estimates of Bayesian probabilities. Estimation accuracy depends on network complexity, the amount of training data, and the degree to which training data reflect true likelihood distributions and a priori class probabilities. Interpretation of network outputs as Bayesian probabilities allows outputs from multiple networks to be combined for higher level decision making, simplifies creation of rejection thresholds, makes it possible to compensate for differences between pattern class probabilities in training and test data, allows outputs to be used to minimize alternative risk functions, and suggests alternative measures of network performance.


Many neural network classifiers provide outputs which estimate Bayesian a posteriori probabilities. When the estimation is accurate, network outputs can be treated as probabilities and sum to one. Simple proofs show that Bayesian probabilities are estimated when desired network outputs are 1 of M (one output unity, all others zero)...


Robust speech recognition using hidden Markov models: overview of a research program


This report presents an overview of a program of speech recognition research which was initiated in 1985 with the major goal of developing techniques for robust high performance speech recognition under the stress and noise conditions typical of a military aircraft cockpit. The work on recognition in stress and noise during 1985 and 1986 produced a robust Hidden Markov Model (HMM) isolated-word recognition (IWR) system with 99 percent speaker-dependent accuracy for several difficult stress/noise data bases, and very high performance for normal speech. Robustness techniques which were developed and applied include multi-style training, robust estimation of parameter variances, perceptually-motivated stress-tolerant distance measures, use of time-differential speech parameters, and discriminant analysis. These techniques and others produced more than an order-of-magnitude reduction in isolated-word recognition error rate relative to a baseline HMM system. An important feature of the Lincoln HMM system has been the use of continuous-observation HMM techniques, which provide a good basis for the development of the robustness techniques, and avoid the need for a vector quantizer at the input to the HMM system. Beginning in 1987, the robust HMM system has been extended to continuous speech recognition for both speaker-dependent and speaker-independent tasks. The robust HMM continuous speech recognizer was integrated in real-time with a stressing simulated flight task, which was judged to be very realistic by a number of military pilots. Phrase recognition accuracy on the limited-task-domain (28-word vocabulary) flight task is better than 99.9 percent. Recently, the robust HMM system has been extended to large-vocabulary continuous speech recognition, and has yielded excellent performance in both speaker-dependent and speaker-independent recognition on the DARPA 1000-word vocabulary resource management data base. Current efforts include further improvements to the HMM system, techniques for the integration of speech recognition with natural language processing, and research on integration of neural network techniques with HMM.


This report presents an overview of a program of speech recognition research which was initiated in 1985 with the major goal of developing techniques for robust high performance speech recognition under the stress and noise conditions typical of a military aircraft cockpit. The work on recognition in stress and noise...


Review of neural networks for speech recognition

Published in:
Neural Comput., Vol. 1, 1989, pp. 1-38.


The performance of current speech recognition systems is far below that of humans. Neural nets offer the potential of providing massive parallelism, adaptation, and new algorithmic approaches to problems in speech recognition. Initial studies have demonstrated that multi-layer networks with time delays can provide excellent discrimination between small sets of pre-segmented difficult-to-discriminate words, consonants, and vowels. Performance for these small vocabularies has often exceeded that of more conventional approaches. Physiological front ends have provided improved recognition accuracy in noise and a cochlea filter-bank that could be used in these front ends has been implemented using micro-power analog VLSI techniques. Techniques have been developed to scale networks up in size to handle larger vocabularies, to reduce training time, and to train nets with recurrent connections. Multilayer perceptron classifiers are being integrated into conventional continuous-speech recognizers. Neural net architectures have been developed to perform the computations required by vector quantizers, static pattern classifiers, and the Viterbi decoding algorithm. Further work is necessary for large-vocabulary continuous-speech problems, to develop training algorithms that progressively build internal word models, and to develop compact VLSI neural net hardware.


The performance of current speech recognition systems is far below that of humans. Neural nets offer the potential of providing massive parallelism, adaptation, and new algorithmic approaches to problems in speech recognition. Initial studies have demonstrated that multi-layer networks with time delays can provide excellent discrimination between small sets of...


Multi-style training for robust isolated-word speech recognition

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. 2, 6-9 April 1987, pp. 705-708.


A new training procedure called multi-style training has been developed to improve performance when a recognizer is used under stress or in high noise but cannot be trained in these conditions. Instead of speaking normally during training, talkers use different, easily produced, talking styles. This technique was tested using a speech data base that included stress speech produced during a workload task and when intense noise was presented through earphones. A continuous-distribution talker-dependent Hidden Markov Model (HMM) recognizer was trained both normally (5 normally spoken tones) and with multi-style training (one token each from normal, fast, clear, loud, and question-pitch talking styles). The average error rate under stress and normal conditions fell by more than a factor of two with multi-style training and the average error rate under conditions sampled during training fell by a factor of four.


A new training procedure called multi-style training has been developed to improve performance when a recognizer is used under stress or in high noise but cannot be trained in these conditions. Instead of speaking normally during training, talkers use different, easily produced, talking styles. This technique was tested using a...