Robust collaborative multicast service for airborne command and control environment
RCM (Robust Collaborative Multicast) is a communication service designed to support collaborative applications operating in dynamic, mission-critical environments. RCM implements a set of well-specified message ordering and reliability properties that balance two conflicting goals: a)providing low-latency, highly-available, reliable communication service, and b) guaranteeing global consistency in how different participants perceive...
Information Survivability for Mobile Wireless Systems
Mobile wireless networks are more vulnerable to cyber attack and more difficult to defend than conventional wired networks. In discussing security and survivability issues in mobile wireless networks, we focus here on group communication, as applied to multimedia conferencing. The need to conserve resources in wireless networks encourages the use...
Security implications of adaptive multimedia distribution
We discuss the security implications of different techniques used in adaptive audio and video distribution. Several sources of variability in the network make it necessary for applications to adapt. Ideally, each receiver should receive media quality commensurate with the capacity of the path leading to it from each sender. Several...
Vulnerabilities of reliable multicast protocols
We examine vulnerabilities of several reliable multicast protocols. The various mechanisms employed by these protocols to provide reliability can present vulnerabilities. We show how some of these vulnerabilities can be exploited in denial-of-service attacks, and discuss potential mechanisms for withstanding such attacks.