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A multi-threaded fast convolver for dynamically parallel image filtering
2D convolution is a staple of digital image processing. The advent of large format imagers makes it possible to literally ''pave'' with silicon the focal plane of an optical sensor, which results in very large images that can require a significant amount computation to process. Filtering of large images via...
CSKETCH image processing library
The CSKETCH image processing library is a collection of C++ classes and global functions which comprise a development environment for meteorological algorithms. The library is best thought of as a 'tool-kit' which contains many standard mathematical and signal processing functions often employed in the analysis of weather radar data. A...
ASR-9 Weather Systems Processor (WSP) signal processing algorithms
Thunderstorm activity and associated low-altitude wind shear constitute a significant safety hazard to aviation, particularly during operations near airport terminals where aircraft altitude is low and flight routes are constrained. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has procured several dedicated meteorological sensors (Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), Network Expansion Low Level...
The Weather-Huffman method of data compression of weather images
Providing an accurate picture of the weather conditions in the pilot's area of interest is a highly useful application for ground-to-air datalinks. The problem with using data links to transmit weather graphics is the large number of bits required to exactly specify the weather image. To make transmission of weather...
Object detection by two-dimensional linear prediction
An important component of any automated image analysis system is the detection and classification of objects. In this report, we consider the first of these problems where the specific goal is to detect anomalous areas (e.g., man-made objects) in textured backgrounds such as trees, grass, and fields of aerial photographs...