Uncorrelated encounter model of the National Airspace System version 1.0
Airspace encounter models, covering close encounter situations that may occur after standard separation assurance has been lost, are a critical component in the safety assessment of aviation procedures and collision avoidance systems. Of particular relevance to Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) is the potential for encountering general aviation aircraft that are...
Surveillance improvement algorithms for Airport Surface Detection Equipment Model X (ASDE-X) at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport
Operational testing of the Runway Status Lights (RWSL) system at the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) airport has detected a number of cases where faults in the ASDE-X/DFW surveillance data have led to erroneous operation of the status lights. Among the surveillance problems noted during testing at DFW were: (a) false tracks...
COTS fusion tracker evaluation
Lincoln Laboratory was tasked by the FAA to measure the performance of a representative sample of current commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) fusion trackers. This effort included cataloging the companies that have available ATC fusion trackers, acquiring executable tracker images from as many as possible of these trackers, running the commercial tracker...
The Beacon Target Detector (BTD) algorithms deployed in the ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC)
This project report describes the Beacon Target Detector (BTD) algorithms implemented in the ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC). The BTD function combines replies that arise from the same aircraft to form beacon targets, and sends these beacon targets to the 9-PAC merge process where they are combined with primary radar...
Techniques for improved reception of 1090 MHz ADS-B signals
The recent development of ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast) is based on the use of the Mode S transponders now carried by all air carrier and commuter aircraft. ADS-B aircraft broadcast aircraft positions, identity, and other information via semi-random Mode S transponder squitters. Other aircraft or ground facilities receive the squitters...
The Weather-Huffman method of data compression of weather images
Providing an accurate picture of the weather conditions in the pilot's area of interest is a highly useful application for ground-to-air datalinks. The problem with using data links to transmit weather graphics is the large number of bits required to exactly specify the weather image. To make transmission of weather...
Documentation of 9-PAC Beacon Target Detector processing function
This project report documents the algorithms and flow of the Beacon Target Detector (BTD) processing function incorporated as part of the ASR-9 Processor Augmentation Card (9-PAC). The BTD function combines replies that arise from the same aircraft to form beacon targets, and sends these beacon targets to the 9-PAC merge...
The polygon-ellipse method of data compression of weather maps
Providing an accurate picture of the weather conditions in the pilot's area of interest could be a highly useful application for ground-to-air data links. The problem with using data links to transmit weather pictures is the large number of bits required to exactly specify a weather image. To make transmission...
Encoding approaches for data link transmission of weather graphics
To provide pilots with necessary information to make informed decisions on the avoidance of hazardous weather and to maintain situational awareness of the weather conditions, the FAA is actively developing the capability to provide real-time graphical weather information to aircraft through the use of bandwidth-limited data links such as Mode...
Multisensor surveillance for improved aircraft tracking
Cross-range measurements of aircraft travelling at distances of 50 to 200 miles include significant errors. Therefore, heading estimates for medium-to-long-range aircraft are not sufficiently accurate to be useful in conflict-detection predictions. Accurate crossrange measurements can be made-by using two or more sensors to measure aircraft position-but such measurements must compensate...