Characteristics of thunderstorm-generated low altitude wind shear: a survey based on nationwide Terminal Doppler Weather Radar testbed measurements
The characteristics of microbursts and gust fronts, two forms of aviation-hazardous low altitude wind shear, are presented. Data were collected with a prototype terminal Doppler weather radar and a network of surface weather stations in Memphis, Huntsville, Denver, Kansas City, and Orlando. Regional differences and features that could be exploited...
Microburst observability and frequency during 1988 in Denver, CO
The observability of microbursts with single-Doppler radar is investigated through comparison of radar data and surface weather sensor data. The data were collected during 1988 in Denver, CO as part of the FAA Terminal Doppler Weather Radar measurement program. Radar data were collected by both and S-band and C-band radar...
Analysis of microburst observability with Doppler radar through comparison of radar and surface wind sensor data
As part of the FAA Terminal Weather Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) measurement program in Huntsville, AL and Denver, CO during 1986 and 1987, respectively, the ability of a single Doppler weather radar to observe microburst outflow signatures (i.e., show identifiable radial velocity patterns) was assessed by comparing radar-observed microbursts with...
Microburst recognition performance of TDWR operational testbed
This paper describes current work in assessing the microburst recognition performance of the Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) operational testbed. The paper is divided into three main sections: microburst recognition algorithm, performance assessment methodology and results. The first section provides an overview of the prototype TDWR microburst recognition algorithm The...
Observability of microbursts using Doppler weather radar and surface anemometers during 1987 in Denver, CO
This report focuses on the observability of microbursts using pulse Doppler weather radars and surface anemometers respectively by an experienced meterologist. The data used for this study were collected in the Denver, Colorado area during the FAA Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) measurement program in 1987. The methods used for...
Study of microburst detection performance during 1985 in Memphis, TN
This report focuses on the detectability of microbursts using pulse Doppler weather radars and surface anemometers. The data used for this study were collected in the Memphis, TN area during the FLOWS project of 1985. The methods used for declaring a microburst from both Doppler radar and surface anemometer data...
Preliminary Memphis FAA/Lincoln Laboratory operational weather studies results
During 1984 and 1985 M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory, under the sponsorship of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) conducted a measurement program in the Memphis, Tennessee, area to study low-level wind shear events and other weather phenomena that are potentially hazardous to aircraft operations, with particular emphasis on those issues related to...
Low-altitude wind shear characteristics in the Memphis, TN area based on mesonet and LLWAS data
As part of the 1984-85 FLOWS (FAA-Lincoln Laboratory Operational Weather Studies) Project, mesonet and Doppler radar data are being collected on rain and thunderstorms in the Memphis, TN area. One of the key goals of the FLOWS Project is to characterize and evaluate the various form of potentially aviation-hazardous low-altitude...
An automatic weather station network for low-altitude wind shear investigations
During the summer of 1983 an experimental network of automatic weather stations (a mesonet) was operated in the vicinity of Hanscom Field, northwest of Boston, as part of a larger effort to collect Doppler radar and meteorological data on thunderstorms and other potentially hazardous weather events in this area. This...