Ultra-linear superwideband chirp generator using digital compensation
A novel digital compensation technique is applied to linearize the frequency generation of a superwideband chirp. Ultra-linear, low-noise swept local oscillators (SLO) are critical to the two-tone dynamic range performance of compressive receivers. The proposed technique enables full software control of the chirp linearity, slope, and offset to allow automated...
Criteria for sprites and elves based on Schumann resonance observations
Ground flashes with positive polarity associated with both sprites and elves excite the Earth's Schumann resonances to amplitudes several times greater than the background resonances. Theoretical predictions for dielectric breakdown in the mesosphere are tested using ELF methods to evaluate vertical charge moments of positive ground flashes. Comparisons of the...
The relationship between the background and transient signals in Schumann resonances
Two distinct measures of the Earth's Schumann resonances -- the background and the transients -- are studied through comparisons at the mesoscale and at the continental scale. A rough proportionality is shown between the far more abundant afternoon lightning activity and the larger positive mesoscale discharges that make sprites and...