Exploring the impact of advanced front-end processing on NIST speaker recognition microphone tasks
The NIST speaker recognition evaluation (SRE) featured microphone data in the 2005-2010 evaluations. The preprocessing and use of this data has typically been performed with telephone bandwidth and quantization. Although this approach is viable, it ignores the richer properties of the microphone data-multiple channels, high-rate sampling, linear encoding, ambient noise...
FY11 Line-Supported Bio-Next Program - Multi-modal Early Detection Interactive Classifier (MEDIC) for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) triage
The Multi-modal Early Detection Interactive Classifier (MEDIC) is a triage system designed to enable rapid assessment of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) when access to expert diagnosis is limited as in a battlefield setting. MEDIC is based on supervised classification that requires three fundamental components to function correctly; these are...
Investigating acoustic correlates of human vocal fold vibratory phase asymmetry through modeling and laryngeal high-speed videoendoscopy
Vocal fold vibratory asymmetry is often associated with inefficient sound production through its impact on source spectral tilt. This association is investigated in both a computational voice production model and a group of 47 human subjects. The model provides indirect control over the degree of left-right phase asymmetry within a...
Automatic detection of depression in speech using Gaussian mixture modeling with factor analysis
Of increasing importance in the civilian and military population is the recognition of Major Depressive Disorder at its earliest stages and intervention before the onset of severe symptoms. Toward the goal of more effective monitoring of depression severity, we investigate automatic classifiers of depression state, that have the important property...
Sinewave representations of nonmodality
Regions of nonmodal phonation, exhibiting deviations from uniform glottal-pulse periods and amplitudes, occur often and convey information about speaker- and linguistic-dependent factors. Such waveforms pose challenges for speech modeling, analysis/synthesis, and processing. In this paper, we investigate the representation of nonmodal pulse trains as a sum of harmonically-related sinewaves with...
Phonologically-based biomarkers for major depressive disorder
Of increasing importance in the civilian and military population is the recognition of major depressive disorder at its earliest stages and intervention before the onset of severe symptoms. Toward the goal of more effective monitoring of depression severity, we introduce vocal biomarkers that are derived automatically from phonologically-based measures of...
A time-warping framework for speech turbulence-noise component estimation during aperiodic phonation
The accurate estimation of turbulence noise affects many areas of speech processing including separate modification of the noise component, analysis of degree of speech aspiration for treating pathological voice, the automatic labeling of speech voicing, as well as speaker characterization and recognition. Previous work in the literature has provided methods...
Multi-pitch estimation by a joint 2-D representation of pitch and pitch dynamics
Multi-pitch estimation of co-channel speech is especially challenging when the underlying pitch tracks are close in pitch value (e.g., when pitch tracks cross). Building on our previous work, we demonstrate the utility of a two-dimensional (2-D) analysis method of speech for this problem by exploiting its joint representation of pitch...
Voice production mechanisms following phonosurgical treatment of early glottic cancer
Although near-normal conversational voices can be achieved with the phonosurgical management of early glottic cancer, there are still acoustic and aerodynamic deficits in vocal function that must be better understood to help further optimize phonosurgical interventions. Stroboscopic assessment is inadequate for this purpose. A newly discovered color high-speed videoendoscopy (HSV)...
Preserving the character of perturbations in scaled pitch contours
The global and fine dynamic components of a pitch contour in voice production, as in the speaking and singing voice, are important for both the meaning and character of an utterance. In speech, for example, slow pitch inflections, rapid pitch accents, and irregular regions all comprise the pitch contour. In...