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An exploratory characterization of speech- and fine-motor coordination in verbal children with Autism spectrum disorder


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder often associated with difficulties in speech production and fine-motor tasks. Thus, there is a need to develop objective measures to assess and understand speech production and other fine-motor challenges in individuals with ASD. In addition, recent research suggests that difficulties with speech production and fine-motor tasks may contribute to language difficulties in ASD. In this paper, we explore the utility of an off-body recording platform, from which we administer a speech- and fine-motor protocol to verbal children with ASD and neurotypical controls. We utilize a correlation-based analysis technique to develop proxy measures of motor coordination from signals derived from recordings of speech- and fine-motor behaviors. Eigenvalues of the resulting correlation matrix are inputs to Gaussian Mixture Models to discriminate between highly-verbal children with ASD and neurotypical controls. These eigenvalues also characterize the complexity (underlying dimensionality) of representative signals of speech- and fine-motor movement dynamics, and form the feature basis to estimate scores on an expressive vocabulary measure. Based on a pilot dataset (15 ASD and 15 controls), features derived from an oral story reading task are used in discriminating between the two groups with AUCs > 0.80, and highlight lower complexity of coordination in children with ASD. Features derived from handwriting and maze tracing tasks led to AUCs of 0.86 and 0.91, however features derived from ocular tasks did not aid in discrimination between the ASD and neurotypical groups. In addition, features derived from free speech and sustained vowel tasks are strongly correlated with expressive vocabulary scores. These results indicate the promise of a correlation-based analysis in elucidating motor differences between individuals with ASD and neurotypical controls.


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder often associated with difficulties in speech production and fine-motor tasks. Thus, there is a need to develop objective measures to assess and understand speech production and other fine-motor challenges in individuals with ASD. In addition, recent research suggests that difficulties with speech...


Multimodal physiological monitoring during virtual reality piloting tasks


This dataset includes multimodal physiologic, flight performance, and user interaction data streams, collected as participants performed virtual flight tasks of varying difficulty. In virtual reality, individuals flew an "Instrument Landing System" (ILS) protocol, in which they had to land an aircraft mostly relying on the cockpit instrument readings. Participants were presented with four levels of difficulty, which were generated by varying wind speed, turbulence, and visibility. Each of the participants performed 12 runs, split into 3 blocks of four consecutive runs, one run at each difficulty, in a single experimental session. The sequence of difficulty levels was presented in a counterbalanced manner across blocks. Flight performance was quantified as a function of horizontal and vertical deviation from an ideal path towards the runway as well as deviation from the prescribed ideal speed of 115 knots. Multimodal physiological signals were aggregated and synchronized using Lab Streaming Layer. Descriptions of data quality are provided to assess each data stream. The starter code provides examples of loading and plotting the time synchronized data streams, extracting sample features from the eye tracking data, and building models to predict pilot performance from the physiology data streams.


This dataset includes multimodal physiologic, flight performance, and user interaction data streams, collected as participants performed virtual flight tasks of varying difficulty. In virtual reality, individuals flew an "Instrument Landing System" (ILS) protocol, in which they had to land an aircraft mostly relying on the cockpit instrument readings. Participants were...


Wearable technology in extreme environments

Published in:
Chapter 2 in: Cibis, T., McGregor AM, C. (eds) Engineering and Medicine in Extreme Environments. Springer, Cham.


Humans need to work in many types of extreme environments where there is a need to stay safe and even to improve performance. Examples include: medical providers treating infectious disease, people responding to other biological or chemical hazards, firefighters, astronauts, pilots, divers, and people working outdoors in extreme hot or cold temperatures. Wearable technology is ubiquitous in the consumer market but is still needed for extreme environments. For these applications, it is particularly challenging to meet requirements to be actionable, accurate, acceptable, integratable, and affordable. To provide insight into these needs and possible solutions and the technology trade-offs involved, several examples are provided. A physiological monitoring example is described for predicting and avoiding heat injury. A cognitive monitoring example is described for estimating cognitive workload, with broader applicability to a variety of conditions, such as cognitive fatigue and depression. Finally, eye tracking is considered as a promising wearable sensing modality with applications for both physiological and cognitive monitoring. Concluding thoughts are offered on the compelling need for wearable technology in the face of pandemics, wildfires, and climate change, but also for global projects that can uplift mankind, such as long-duration spaceflight and missions to Mars.


Humans need to work in many types of extreme environments where there is a need to stay safe and even to improve performance. Examples include: medical providers treating infectious disease, people responding to other biological or chemical hazards, firefighters, astronauts, pilots, divers, and people working outdoors in extreme hot or...


EEG alpha and pupil diameter reflect endogenous auditory attention switching and listening effort

Published in:
Eur. J. Neurosci., 2022, pp. 1-16.


Everyday environments often contain distracting competing talkers and background noise, requiring listeners to focus their attention on one acoustic source and reject others. During this auditory attention task, listeners may naturally interrupt their sustained attention and switch attended sources. The effort required to perform this attention switch has not been well studied in the context of competing continuous speech. In this work, we developed two variants of endogenous attention switching and a sustained attention control. We characterized these three experimental conditions under the context of decoding auditory attention, while simultaneously evaluating listening effort and neural markers of spatial-audio cues. A least-squares, electroencephalography (EEG) based, attention decoding algorithm was implemented across all conditions. It achieved an accuracy of 69.4% and 64.0% when computed over non-overlapping 10 and 5-second correlation windows, respectively. Both decoders illustrated smooth transitions in the attended talker prediction through switches at approximately half of the analysis window size (e.g. the mean lag taken across the two switch conditions was 2.2 seconds when the 5-second correlation window was used). Expended listening effort, as measured by simultaneous EEG and pupillometry, was also a strong indicator of whether the listeners sustained attention or performed an endogenous attention switch (peak pupil diameter measure (p = 0.034) and minimum parietal alpha power measure (p = 0.016)). We additionally found evidence of talker spatial cues in the form of centrotemporal alpha power lateralization (p = 0.0428). These results suggest that listener effort and spatial cues may be promising features to pursue in a decoding context, in addition to speech-based features.


Everyday environments often contain distracting competing talkers and background noise, requiring listeners to focus their attention on one acoustic source and reject others. During this auditory attention task, listeners may naturally interrupt their sustained attention and switch attended sources. The effort required to perform this attention switch has not been...


Using oculomotor features to predict changes in optic nerve sheath diameter and ImPACT scores from contact-sport athletes


There is mounting evidence linking the cumulative effects of repetitive head impacts to neuro-degenerative conditions. Robust clinical assessment tools to identify mild traumatic brain injuries are needed to assist with timely diagnosis for return-to-field decisions and appropriately guide rehabilitation. The focus of the present study is to investigate the potential for oculomotor features to complement existing diagnostic tools, such as measurements of Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter (ONSD) and Immediate Post-concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT). Thirty-one high school American football and soccer athletes were tracked through the course of a sports season. Given the high risk of repetitive head impacts associated with both soccer and football, our hypotheses were that (1) ONSD and ImPACT scores would worsen through the season and (2) oculomotor features would effectively capture both neurophysiological changes reflected by ONSD and neuro-functional status assessed via ImPACT. Oculomotor features were used as input to Linear Mixed-Effects Regression models to predict ONSD and ImPACT scores as outcomes. Prediction accuracy was evaluated to identify explicit relationships between eye movements, ONSD, and ImPACT scores. Significant Pearson correlations were observed between predicted and actual outcomes for ONSD (Raw = 0.70; Normalized = 0.45) and for ImPACT (Raw = 0.86; Normalized = 0.71), demonstrating the capability of oculomotor features to capture neurological changes detected by both ONSD and ImPACT. The most predictive features were found to relate to motor control and visual-motor processing. In future work, oculomotor models, linking neural structures to oculomotor function, can be built to gain extended mechanistic insights into neurophysiological changes observed through seasons of participation in contact sports.


There is mounting evidence linking the cumulative effects of repetitive head impacts to neuro-degenerative conditions. Robust clinical assessment tools to identify mild traumatic brain injuries are needed to assist with timely diagnosis for return-to-field decisions and appropriately guide rehabilitation. The focus of the present study is to investigate the potential...


Human balance models optimized using a large-scale, parallel architecture with applications to mild traumatic brain injury

Published in:
2020 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conf., HPEC, 22-24 September 2020.


Static and dynamic balance are frequently disrupted through brain injuries. The impairment can be complex and for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) can be undetectable by standard clinical tests. Therefore, neurologically relevant modeling approaches are needed for detection and inference of mechanisms of injury. The current work presents models of static and dynamic balance that have a high degree of correspondence. Emphasizing structural similarity between the domains facilitates development of both. Furthermore, particular attention is paid to components of sensory feedback and sensory integration to ground mechanisms in neurobiology. Models are adapted to fit experimentally collected data from 10 healthy control volunteers and 11 mild traumatic brain injury volunteers. Through an analysis by synthesis approach whose implementation was made possible by a state-of-the-art high performance computing system, we derived an interpretable, model based feature set that could classify mTBI and controls in a static balance task with an ROC AUC of 0.72.


Static and dynamic balance are frequently disrupted through brain injuries. The impairment can be complex and for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) can be undetectable by standard clinical tests. Therefore, neurologically relevant modeling approaches are needed for detection and inference of mechanisms of injury. The current work presents models of...


Sensorimotor conflict tests in an immersive virtual environment reveal subclinical impairments in mild traumatic brain injury


Current clinical tests lack the sensitivity needed for detecting subtle balance impairments associated with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Patient-reported symptoms can be significant and have a huge impact on daily life, but impairments may remain undetected or poorly quantified using clinical measures. Our central hypothesis was that provocative sensorimotor perturbations, delivered in a highly instrumented, immersive virtual environment, would challenge sensory subsystems recruited for balance through conflicting multi-sensory evidence, and therefore reveal that not all subsystems are performing optimally. The results show that, as compared to standard clinical tests, the provocative perturbations illuminate balance impairments in subjects who have had mild traumatic brain injuries. Perturbations delivered while subjects were walking provided greater discriminability (average accuracy ≈ 0.90) than those delivered during standing (average accuracy ≈ 0.65) between mTBI subjects and healthy controls. Of the categories of features extracted to characterize balance, the lower limb accelerometry-based metrics proved to be most informative. Further, in response to perturbations, subjects with an mTBI utilized hip strategies more than ankle strategies to prevent loss of balance and also showed less variability in gait patterns. We have shown that sensorimotor conflicts illuminate otherwise-hidden balance impairments, which can be used to increase the sensitivity of current clinical procedures. This augmentation is vital in order to robustly detect the presence of balance impairments after mTBI and potentially define a phenotype of balance dysfunction that enhances risk of injury.


Current clinical tests lack the sensitivity needed for detecting subtle balance impairments associated with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Patient-reported symptoms can be significant and have a huge impact on daily life, but impairments may remain undetected or poorly quantified using clinical measures. Our central hypothesis was that provocative sensorimotor...


Predicting cognitive load and operational performance in a simulated marksmanship task


Modern operational environments can place significant demands on a service member's cognitive resources, increasing the risk of errors or mishaps due to overburden. The ability to monitor cognitive burden and associated performance within operational environments is critical to improving mission readiness. As a key step toward a field-ready system, we developed a simulated marksmanship scenario with an embedded working memory task in an immersive virtual reality environment. As participants performed the marksmanship task, they were instructed to remember numbered targets and recall the sequence of those targets at the end of the trial. Low and high cognitive load conditions were defined as the recall of three- and six-digit strings, respectively. Physiological and behavioral signals recorded included speech, heart rate, breathing rate, and body movement. These features were input into a random forest classifier that significantly discriminated between the low- and high-cognitive load conditions (AUC=0.94). Behavioral features of gait were the most informative, followed by features of speech. We also showed the capability to predict performance on the digit recall (AUC = 0.71) and marksmanship (AUC = 0.58) tasks. The experimental framework can be leveraged in future studies to quantify the interaction of other types of stressors and their impact on operational cognitive and physical performance.


Modern operational environments can place significant demands on a service member's cognitive resources, increasing the risk of errors or mishaps due to overburden. The ability to monitor cognitive burden and associated performance within operational environments is critical to improving mission readiness. As a key step toward a field-ready system, we...


Investigation of the relationship of vocal, eye-tracking, and fMRI ROI time-series measures with preclinical mild traumatic brain injury


In this work, we are examining correlations between vocal articulatory features, ocular smooth pursuit measures, and features from the fMRI BOLD response in regions of interest (ROI) time series in a high school athlete population susceptible to repeated head impact within a sports season. Initial results have indicated relationships between vocal features and brain ROIs that may show which components of the neural speech networks effected are effected by preclinical mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). The data used for this study was collected by Purdue University on 32 high school athletes over the entirety of a sports season (Helfer, et al., 2014), and includes fMRI measurements made pre-season, in-season, and postseason. The athletes are 25 male football players and 7 female soccer players. The Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing suite (ImPACT) was used as a means of assessing cognitive performance (Broglio, Ferrara, Macciocchi, Baumgartner, & Elliott, 2007). The test is made up of six sections, which measure verbal memory, visual memory, visual motor speed, reaction time, impulse control, and a total symptom composite. Using each test, a threshold is set for a change in cognitive performance. The threshold for each test is defined as a decline from baseline that exceeds one standard deviation, where the standard deviation is computed over the change from baseline across all subjects’ test scores. Speech features were extracted from audio recordings of the Grandfather Passage, which provides a standardized and phonetically balanced sample of speech. Oculomotor testing included two experimental conditions. In the smooth pursuit condition, a single target moving circularly, at constant speed. In the saccade condition, a target was jumped between one of three location along the horizontal midline of the screen. In both trial types, subjects visually tracked the targets during the trials, which lasted for one minute. The fMRI features are derived from the bold time-series data from resting state fMRI scans of the subjects. The pre-processing of the resting state fMRI and accompanying structural MRI data (for Atlas registration) was performed with the toolkit CONN (Whitfield-Gabrieli & Nieto-Castanon, 2012). Functional connectivity was generated using cortical and sub-cortical atlas registrations. This investigation will explores correlations between these three modalities and a cognitive performance assessment.


In this work, we are examining correlations between vocal articulatory features, ocular smooth pursuit measures, and features from the fMRI BOLD response in regions of interest (ROI) time series in a high school athlete population susceptible to repeated head impact within a sports season. Initial results have indicated relationships between...


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