Poisoning network flow classifiers [e-print]
As machine learning (ML) classifiers increasingly oversee the automated monitoring of network traffic, studying their resilience against adversarial attacks becomes critical. This paper focuses on poisoning attacks, specifically backdoor attacks, against network traffic flow classifiers. We investigate the challenging scenario of clean-label poisoning where the adversary's capabilities are constrained to...
Quantifying bias in face verification system
Machine learning models perform face verification (FV) for a variety of highly consequential applications, such as biometric authentication, face identification, and surveillance. Many state-of-the-art FV systems suffer from unequal performance across demographic groups, which is commonly overlooked by evaluation measures that do not assess population-specific performance. Deployed systems with bias...
An Eye on the Storm: Tracking Power Outages via the Internet of Things
Assessing the extent of power outages in the wake of disasters is a crucial but daunting challenge. We developed a prototype to estimate and map the severity and location of power outages throughout an event by taking advantage of IoT as a non-traditional power-sensing network. We present results used by...
PANEMOTO: network visualization of security situational awareness through passive analysis
To maintain effective security situational awareness, administrators require tools that present up-to-date information on the state of the network in the form of 'at-a-glance' displays, and that enable rapid assessment and investigation of relevant security concerns through drill-down analysis capability. In this paper, we present a passive network monitoring tool...
Validating and restoring defense in depth using attack graphs
Defense in depth is a common strategy that uses layers of firewalls to protect Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) subnets and other critical resources on enterprise networks. A tool named NetSPA is presented that analyzes firewall rules and vulnerabilities to construct attack graphs. These show how inside and outside...
A taxonomy of buffer overflows for evaluating static and dynamic software testing tools
A taxonomy that uses twenty-two attributes to characterize C-program overflows was used to construct 291 small C-program test cases that can be used to diagnostically determine the basic capabilities of static and dynamic analysis buffer overflow detection tools. Attributes in the taxonomy include the buffer location (e.g. stack, heap, data...
Evaluating and strengthening enterprise network security using attack graphs
Assessing the security of large enterprise networks is complex and labor intensive. Current security analysis tools typically examine only individual firewalls, routers, or hosts separately and do not comprehensively analyze overall network security. We present a new approach that uses configuration information on firewalls and vulnerability information on all network...
Using a diagnostic corpus of C programs to evaluate buffer overflow detection by static analysis tools
A corpus of 291 small C-program test cases was developed to evaluate static and dynamic analysis tools designed to detect buffer overflows. The corpus was designed and labeled using a new, comprehensive buffer overflow taxonomy. It provides a benchmark to measure detection, false alarm, and confusion rates of tools, and...
Evaluating static analysis tools for detecting buffer overflows in C code
This project evaluated five static analysis tools using a diagnostic test suite to determine their strengths and weaknesses in detecting a variety of buffer overflow flaws in C code. Detection, false alarm, and confusion rates were measured, along with execution time. PolySpace demonstrated a superior detection rate on the basic...