Capacity bounds for frequency-hopped BPSK
In some channels, such as the frequency-hop channel, the transmission may undergo abrupt transitions in phase. This can require the receiver to re-estimate the phase on each hop, or for the system to utilize modulation techniques that lend themselves to noncoherent detection. How well the receiver can estimate the phase...
Application of complex split-activation feedforward networks to beamforming
In increasingly congested RF environments and for jamming at closer ranges, amplifiers may introduce nonlinearities that linear adaptive beamforming techniques can't mitigate. Machine learning architectures are intended to solve such nonlinear least squares problems, but much of the current work and available software is limited to signals represented as real...
Distributed multi-modal sensor system for searching a foliage-covered region
We designed and constructed a system that includes aircraft, ground vehicles, and throwable sensors to search a semiforested region that was partially covered by foliage. The system contained 4 radio-controlled (RC) trucks, 2 aircraft, and 30 SensorMotes (throwable sensors). We also investigated communications links, search strategies, and system architecture. Our...
Design of an optical photon counting array receiver system for deep-space communications
Demand for increased capacity in deep-space to Earth communications systems continues to rise as sensor data rates climb and mission requirements expand. Optical freespace laser communications systems offer the potential for operating at data rates 10 to 1000 times that of current radiofrequency systems. A key element in an optical...