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Architecture-independent dynamic information flow tracking

Published in:
CC 2013: 22nd Int. Conf. on Compiler Construction, 16-24 March 2013, pp. 144-163.


Dynamic information flow tracking is a well-known dynamic software analysis technique with a wide variety of applications that range from making systems more secure, to helping developers and analysts better understand the code that systems are executing. Traditionally, the fine-grained analysis capabilities that are desired for the class of these systems which operate at the binary level require tight coupling to a specific ISA. This places a heavy burden on developers of these systems since significant domain knowledge is required to support each ISA, and the ability to amortize the effort expended on one ISA implementation cannot be leveraged to support other ISAs. Further, the correctness of the system must carefully evaluated for each new ISA. In this paper, we present a general approach to information flow tracking that allows us to support multiple ISAs without mastering the intricate details of each ISA we support, and without extensive verification. Our approach leverages binary translation to an intermediate representation where we have developed detailed, architecture-neutral information flow models. To support advanced instructions that are typically implemented in C code in binary translators, we also present a combined static/dynamic analysis that allows us to accurately and automatically support these instructions. We demonstrate the utility of our system in three different application settings: enforcing information flow policies, classifying algorithms by information flow properties, and characterizing types of programs which may exhibit excessive information flow in an information flow tracking system.


Dynamic information flow tracking is a well-known dynamic software analysis technique with a wide variety of applications that range from making systems more secure, to helping developers and analysts better understand the code that systems are executing. Traditionally, the fine-grained analysis capabilities that are desired for the class of these...


Parallel out-of-core Matlab for extreme virtual memory (Abstract)

Published in:
2005 IEEE Int. Conf. on Cluster Computing, 27-30 September 2005, p. 482 [abstract only].


Large data sets that cannot fit in memory can be addressed with out-of-core methods, which use memory as a "window" to view a section of the data stored on disk at a time. The Parallel Matlab for eXtreme Virtual Memory (pMatlab XVM) library adds out-of-core extensions to the Parallel Matlab (pMatlab) library. We have applied pMatlab XVM to the DARPA High Productivity Computing Systems? HPCchallenge FFT benchmark. The benchmark was run using several different implementations: C+MPI, pMatlab, pMatlab hand coded for out-of-core and pMatlab XVM. These experiments found 1) the performance of the C+MPI and pMatlab versions were comparable; 2) the out-of-core versions deliver 80% of the performance of the in-core versions; 3) the out-of-core versions were able to perform a 1 terabyte (64 billion point) FFT and 4) the pMatlab XVM program was smaller, easier to implement and verify, and more efficient than its hand coded equivalent. We are transitioning this technology to several DoD signal processing applications and plan to apply pMatlab XVM to the full HPCchallenge benchmark suite. Using next generation hardware, problems sizes a factor of 100 to 1000 times larger should be feasible.


Large data sets that cannot fit in memory can be addressed with out-of-core methods, which use memory as a "window" to view a section of the data stored on disk at a time. The Parallel Matlab for eXtreme Virtual Memory (pMatlab XVM) library adds out-of-core extensions to the Parallel Matlab...


Polymorphous computing architecture (PCA) kernel-level benchmarks [revision 1]

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report PCA-KERNEL-1,REV.1


This document describes a series of kernel benchmarks for the PCA program. Each kernel benchmark is an operation of importance to DoD sensor applications making use of a PCA architecture. Many of these operations are a part of the composite example applications described elsewhere. The kernel-level benchmarks have been chosen to stress both computation and communication aspects of the architecture. "Computation" aspects include floating-point and integer performance, as well as the memory hierarchy, while the "communication" aspects include the network, the memory hierarchy, and the I/O capabilities. The particular benchmarks chosen are based on the frequency of their use in current and future applications. They are drawn from the areas of signal processing, communication, and information and knowledge processing. The specification of the benchmarks in this document is meant to be high-level and largely independent of the implementation.


This document describes a series of kernel benchmarks for the PCA program. Each kernel benchmark is an operation of importance to DoD sensor applications making use of a PCA architecture. Many of these operations are a part of the composite example applications described elsewhere. The kernel-level benchmarks have been chosen...


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