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Repeatable reverse engineering for the greater good with PANDA

Published in:
37th Int. Conf. on Software Engineering, 16 May 2015.


We present PANDA, an open-source tool that has been purpose-built to support whole system reverse engineering. It is built upon the QEMU whole system emulator, and so analyses have access to all code executing in the guest and all data. PANDA adds the ability to record and replay executions, enabling iterative, deep, whole system analyses. Further, the replay log files are compact and shareable, allowing for repeatable experiments. A nine billion instruction boot of FreeBSD, e.g., is represented by only a few hundred MB. Furhter, PANDA leverages QEMU's support of thirteen different CPU architectures to make analyses of those diverse instruction sets possible within the LLVM IR. In this way, PANDA can have a single dynamic taint analysis, for example, that precisely supports many CPUs. PANDA analyses are written in a simple plugin architecture which includes a mechanism to share functionality between plugins, increasing analysis code re-use and simplifying complex analysis development. We demonstrate PANDA's effectiveness via a number of use cases, including enabling an old but legitimate version of Starcraft to rund espite a lost CD key, in-depth diagnosis of an Internet Explorer crash, and uncovering the censorship activities and mechanisms of a Chinese IM client.


We present PANDA, an open-source tool that has been purpose-built to support whole system reverse engineering. It is built upon the QEMU whole system emulator, and so analyses have access to all code executing in the guest and all data. PANDA adds the ability to record and replay executions, enabling...


Architecture-independent dynamic information flow tracking

Published in:
CC 2013: 22nd Int. Conf. on Compiler Construction, 16-24 March 2013, pp. 144-163.


Dynamic information flow tracking is a well-known dynamic software analysis technique with a wide variety of applications that range from making systems more secure, to helping developers and analysts better understand the code that systems are executing. Traditionally, the fine-grained analysis capabilities that are desired for the class of these systems which operate at the binary level require tight coupling to a specific ISA. This places a heavy burden on developers of these systems since significant domain knowledge is required to support each ISA, and the ability to amortize the effort expended on one ISA implementation cannot be leveraged to support other ISAs. Further, the correctness of the system must carefully evaluated for each new ISA. In this paper, we present a general approach to information flow tracking that allows us to support multiple ISAs without mastering the intricate details of each ISA we support, and without extensive verification. Our approach leverages binary translation to an intermediate representation where we have developed detailed, architecture-neutral information flow models. To support advanced instructions that are typically implemented in C code in binary translators, we also present a combined static/dynamic analysis that allows us to accurately and automatically support these instructions. We demonstrate the utility of our system in three different application settings: enforcing information flow policies, classifying algorithms by information flow properties, and characterizing types of programs which may exhibit excessive information flow in an information flow tracking system.


Dynamic information flow tracking is a well-known dynamic software analysis technique with a wide variety of applications that range from making systems more secure, to helping developers and analysts better understand the code that systems are executing. Traditionally, the fine-grained analysis capabilities that are desired for the class of these...


Experiences in cyber security education: the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Capture-the-Flag exercise

Published in:
Proc. 4th Cyber Security Experimentation Test, 8 August 2011.


Many popular and well-established cyber security Capture the Flag (CTF) exercises are held each year in a variety of settings, including universities and semi-professional security conferences. CTF formats also vary greatly, ranging from linear puzzle-like challenges to team-based offensive and defensive free-for-all hacking competitions. While these events are exciting and important as contests of skill, they offer limited educational opportunities. In particular, since participation requires considerable a priori domain knowledge and practical computer security expertise, the majority of typical computer science students are excluded from taking part in these events. Our goal in designing and running the MIT/LL CTF was to make the experience accessible to a wider community by providing an environment that would not only test and challenge the computer security skills of the participants, but also educate and prepare those without an extensive prior expertise. This paper describes our experience in designing, organizing, and running an education-focused CTF, and discusses our teaching methods, game design, scoring measures, logged data, and lessons learned.


Many popular and well-established cyber security Capture the Flag (CTF) exercises are held each year in a variety of settings, including universities and semi-professional security conferences. CTF formats also vary greatly, ranging from linear puzzle-like challenges to team-based offensive and defensive free-for-all hacking competitions. While these events are exciting and...


Virtuoso: narrowing the semantic gap in virtual machine introspection

Published in:
2011 IEEE Symp. on Security and Privacy, 22-25 May 2011, pp. 297-312.


Introspection has featured prominently in many recent security solutions, such as virtual machine-based intrusion detection, forensic memory analysis, and low-artifact malware analysis. Widespread adoption of these approaches, however, has been hampered by the semantic gap: in order to extract meaningful information about the current state of a virtual machine, detailed knowledge of the guest operating system's inner workings is required. In this paper, we present a novel approach for automatically creating introspection tools for security applications with minimal human effort. By analyzing dynamic traces of small, in-guest programs that compute the desired introspection information, we can produce new programs that retrieve the same information from outside the guest virtual machine. We demonstrate the efficacy of our techniques by automatically generating 17 programs that retrieve security information across 3 different operating systems, and show that their functionality is unaffected by the compromise of the guest system. Our technique allows introspection tools to be effortlessly generated for multiple platforms, and enables the development of rich introspection-based security applications.


Introspection has featured prominently in many recent security solutions, such as virtual machine-based intrusion detection, forensic memory analysis, and low-artifact malware analysis. Widespread adoption of these approaches, however, has been hampered by the semantic gap: in order to extract meaningful information about the current state of a virtual machine, detailed...


Coverage maximization using dynamic taint tracing

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report TR-1112


We present COMET, a system that automatically assembles a test suite for a C program to improve line coverage, and give initial results for a prototype implementation. COMET works dynamically, running the program under a variety of instrumentations in a feedback loop that adds new inputs to an initial corpus with each iteration. One instrumentation in particular is crucial to the success of this approach: dynamic taint tracing. Inputs are labeled as tainted at the byte level and all read/write pairs in the program are augmented to track the flow of taint between memory objects. This allows COMET to determine from which bytes of which inputs the variables in conditions derive, thereby dramatically narrowing the search over inputs necessary to expose new code. On a test set of 13 example program, COMET improves upon the level of coverage reached in random testing by an average of 23% relative, takes only about twice the time, and requires a tiny fraction of the number of inputs to do so.


We present COMET, a system that automatically assembles a test suite for a C program to improve line coverage, and give initial results for a prototype implementation. COMET works dynamically, running the program under a variety of instrumentations in a feedback loop that adds new inputs to an initial corpus...


Dynamic buffer overflow detection

Published in:
Workshop on Defining the State of the Art in Security Software Tools, 10-11 August 2005.


The capabilities of seven dynamic buffer overflow detection tools (Chaperon, Valgrind, CCured, CRED, Insure++, ProPolice and TinyCC) are evaluated in this paper. These tools employ different approaches to runtime buffer overflow detection and range from commercial products to open-source gcc-enhancements. A comprehensive testsuite was developed consisting of specifically-designed test cases and model programs containing real-world vulnerabilities. Insure++, CCured and CRED provide the highest buffer overflow detection rates, but only CRED provides an open-source, extensible and scalable solution to detecting buffer overflows. Other tools did not detect off-by-one errors, did not scale to large programs, or performed poorly on complex programs.


The capabilities of seven dynamic buffer overflow detection tools (Chaperon, Valgrind, CCured, CRED, Insure++, ProPolice and TinyCC) are evaluated in this paper. These tools employ different approaches to runtime buffer overflow detection and range from commercial products to open-source gcc-enhancements. A comprehensive testsuite was developed consisting of specifically-designed test cases...


Dynamic buffer overflow detection

Published in:
Workshop on the Evaluation of Software Defect Detection Tools, 10 June 2005.


The capabilities of seven dynamic buffer overflow detection tools (Chaperon, Valgrind, CCured, CRED, Insure++, ProPolice and TinyCC) are evaluated in this paper. These tools employ different approaches to runtime buffer overflow detection and range from commercial products to open source gcc-enhancements. A comprehensive test suite was developed consisting of specifically-designed test cases and model programs containing real-world vulnerabilities. Insure++, CCured and CRED provide the highest buffer overflow detection rates, but only CRED provides an open-source, extensible and scalable solution to detecting buffer overflows. Other tools did not detect off-by-one errors, did not scale to large programs, or performed poorly on complex programs.


The capabilities of seven dynamic buffer overflow detection tools (Chaperon, Valgrind, CCured, CRED, Insure++, ProPolice and TinyCC) are evaluated in this paper. These tools employ different approaches to runtime buffer overflow detection and range from commercial products to open source gcc-enhancements. A comprehensive test suite was developed consisting of specifically-designed...


Testing static analysis tools using exploitable buffer overflows from open source code

Published in:
Proc. 12th Int. Symp. on Foundations of Software Engineering, ACM SIGSOFT, 31 October - 6 November 2004, pp. 97-106.


Five modern static analysis tools (ARCHER, BOON, PolySpace C Verifier, Splint, and UNO) were evaluated using source code examples containing 14 exploitable buffer overflow vulnerabilities found in various versions of Sendmail, BIND, and WU-FTPD. Each code example included a "BAD" case with and a "OK" case without buffer overflows. Buffer overflows varied and included stack, heap, bss and data buffers; access above and below buffer bounds; access using pointers, indices, and functions; and scope differences between buffer creation and use. Detection rates for the "BAD" examples were low except for PolySpace and Splint which had average detection rates of 87% and 57%, respectively. However, average false alarm rates were high and roughly 50% for these two tools. On patched programs these two tools produce one warning for every 12 to 46 lines of source code and neither tool accurately distinguished between vulnerable and patched code.


Five modern static analysis tools (ARCHER, BOON, PolySpace C Verifier, Splint, and UNO) were evaluated using source code examples containing 14 exploitable buffer overflow vulnerabilities found in various versions of Sendmail, BIND, and WU-FTPD. Each code example included a "BAD" case with and a "OK" case without buffer overflows. Buffer...


High-level speaker verification with support vector machines

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Vol. 1, ICASSP, 17-21 May 2004, pp. I-73 - I-76.


Recently, high-level features such as word idiolect, pronunciation, phone usage, prosody, etc., have been successfully used in speaker verification. The benefit of these features was demonstrated in the NIST extended data task for speaker verification; with enough conversational data, a recognition system can become familiar with a speaker and achieve excellent accuracy. Typically, high-level-feature recognition systems produce a sequence of symbols from the acoustic signal and then perform recognition using the frequency and co-occurrence of symbols. We propose the use of support vector machines for performing the speaker verification task from these symbol frequencies. Support vector machines have been applied to text classification problems with much success. A potential difficulty in applying these methods is that standard text classification methods tend to smooth frequencies which could potentially degrade speaker verification. We derive a new kernel based upon standard log likelihood ratio scoring to address limitations of text classification methods. We show that our methods achieve significant gains over standard methods for processing high-level features.


Recently, high-level features such as word idiolect, pronunciation, phone usage, prosody, etc., have been successfully used in speaker verification. The benefit of these features was demonstrated in the NIST extended data task for speaker verification; with enough conversational data, a recognition system can become familiar with a speaker and achieve...


Phonetic speaker recognition with support vector machines

Published in:
Adv. in Neural Information Processing Systems 16, 2003 Conf., 8-13 December 2003, p. 1377-1384.


A recent area of significant progress in speaker recognition is the use of high level features-idiolect, phonetic relations, prosody, discourse structure, etc. A speaker not only has a distinctive acoustic sound but uses language in a characteristic manner. Large corpora of speech data available in recent years allow experimentation with long term statistics of phone patterns, word patterns, etc. of an individual. We propose the use of support vector machines and term frequency analysis of phone sequences to model a given speaker. To this end, we explore techniques for text categorization applied to the problem. We derive a new kernel based upon a linearization of likelihood ratio scoring. We introduce a new phone-based SVM speaker recognition approach that halves the error rate of conventional phone-based approaches.


A recent area of significant progress in speaker recognition is the use of high level features-idiolect, phonetic relations, prosody, discourse structure, etc. A speaker not only has a distinctive acoustic sound but uses language in a characteristic manner. Large corpora of speech data available in recent years allow experimentation with...


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