Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for three-dimensional imaging
We discuss the properties of Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (APDs) and their use in developing an imaging laser radar (ladar). This type of photodetector gives a fast electrical pulse in response to the detection of even a single photon, allowing for sub-nsec-precision photon-flight-time measurement. We present ongoing work at Lincoln Laboratory...
Aircraft Vortex Spacing System (AVOSS) initial 1997 system deployment at Dallas/Ft. Worth (DFW) Airport
The potential hazard of aircraft encounters with the wake turbulence of preceding aircraft requires the use of minimum separations on landing that are a significant constraint on airport arrival capacity during instrument flight rules (IF) conditions. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center has been researching the...
A comprehensive system for measuring wake vortex behavior and related atmospheric conditions at Memphis, Tennessee
Models of vortex behavior as a function of atmospheric conditions are being developed in an attempt to improve safety and minimize unnecessary airport capacity restrictions due to wake vortices. Direct measurements of vortices and the relevant meteorological conditions in an operational setting, which would serve to improve the understanding of...
1995 wake vortex program at Memphis, TN
This paper describes wake vortex field measurements conducted during August, 1995 at Memphis, TN. The objective of this effort was to record wake vortex behavior for varying atmospheric conditions and aircraft types. Wake vortex behavior was observed using a mobile CW coherent lidar. This lidar features a number of improvements...
Development and performance of a CW coherent laser radar for detecting wake vortices
A CW-coherent laser radar using a 20-Watt CO2 laser has been constructed and deployed for the measurement of wake-vortext turbulence. This is part of a larger effort to understand the motion and decay of wake vortices as a function of the local atmospheric conditions. The construction and operation of the...
Overview of 1994 Memphis Wake Vortex testing program
Significant restrictions currently exist in the air traffic control system due to wake vortex considerations. Eliminating or reducing these restrictions would yield increased capacity, decreased delays and significant cost savings (Evans & Welch, 1991). These improvements would be especially desirable at high traffic airports which cannot expand (e.g., Boston, JFK...