Multi-PRI signal processing for the terminal Doppler weather radar, part I: clutter filtering
Multiple pulse repetition interval (multi-PRI) transmission is part of an adaptive signal transmission and processing algorithm being developed to aggressively combat range-velocity ambiguity in weather radars. In the past, operational use of multi-PRI pulse trains has been hampered due to the difficulty in clutter filtering. This paper presents finite impulse...
Automated storm tracking for terminal air traffic control
Good estimates of storm motion are essential to improved air traffic control operations during times of inclement weather. Automating such a service is a challenge, however, because meteorological phenomena exist as complex distributed systems that exhibit motion across a wide spectrum of scales. Even when viewed from a fixed perspective...
Data processing techniques for airport surveillance radar weather sensing
Discusses data processing techniques that can provide high quality, automated weather information using the FAA's existing Airport Surveillance Radars (ASR-9). The cost of modifying the ASR-9 is significantly less than that for deployment of the dedicated terminal Doppler weather radar. These techniques have been implemented on a prototype ASR-9 weather...
Optimum time-varying FIR filter designs for the Airport Surveillance Radar wind shear processor
We have developed new design algorithms for finite impulse response (FIR) filters that compensate for arbitrary input spacing and that allow for arbitrary group delay specification. The potential of these new designs to work with the ASR-9 staggered pulse spacing is examined in the context of the ASR-9 wind-shear processor...
Variable-PRI processing for meteorologic Doppler radars
In this communication we described how, with nonuniform sampling, the concept of bandlimited extrapolation can be used to obtain unambiguous Doppler velocity estimates in the supra-Nyquist region. The proposed method coherently processes a multi-PRI sample using a generalized form of periodogram analysis. The work is described in the context of...
Extrapolating storm location using the Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS) storm motion algorithm
Storm Motion (SM) is a planned Initial Operational Capability (IOC) algorithm of the FAA's Integrated Terminal Weather System (ITWS). As currently designed, this algorithm will track the movement of storms/cells and convey this tracking information to the ITWS user by means of a graphic display of vectors (for direction) with...
Clutter filter design for multiple-PRT signals
The trade-off of range vs. velocity ambiguity is fundamental and operationally significant for many S- and C-band pulsed Doppler weather radars. Transmission schemes using multiple pulse repetition times (PRTs) (i.e., nonuniform pulse spacing) offer the potential for extending the unambiguous measurement range by resolving intervals of velocity ambiguity. Unfortunately, multiple...
Coherent processing across multi-PRI waveforms
Meteorological Doppler radars have typically utilized constant pulse-repetition intervals (PRI) to facilitate clutter filtering and estimation of weather echo spectral moments via pulse-pair or periodogram-based algorithms. Utilization of variable PRIs to support resolution of velocity ambiguities has been discussed, for example by Banjanin and Zrnic, but not implemented owing to...
Optimal mean velocity estimation for Doppler weather radars
Optimal Doppler velocity estimation is explored for a standard Gaussian signal measurement model and thematic maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayes estimation. Because the model considered depends on a vector parameter (velocity, spectrum width (SW), and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the exact formulation of an ML or Bayes solution involves a system...
Storm tracking for TDWR: a correlation algorithm design and evaluation
Storm Movement Prediction (SMP) is a proposed (future) product for Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR), aiding controllers by tracking storms approaching and passing through the terminal environment. Because the scan strategy (data acquisition) of TDWR has been critically designed to meet the needs of its primary function, which is the...