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A comparison of soft and hard spectral subtraction for speaker verification

Published in:
8th Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2004, 4-8 October 2004.


An important concern in speaker recognition is the performance degradation that occurs when speaker models trained with speech from one type of channel are subsequently used to score speech from another type of channel, known as channel mismatch. This paper investigates the relative performance of two different spectral subtraction methods for additive noise compensation in the context of speaker verification. The first method, termed "soft" spectral subtraction, is performed in the spectral domain on the |DFT|^2 values of the speech frames while the second method, termed "hard" spectral subtraction, is performed on the Mel-filter energy features. It is shown through both an analytical argument as well as a simulation that soft spectral subtraction results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio in the resulting Mel-filter energy features. In the context of Gaussian mixture model-based speaker verification with additive noise in testing utterances, this is shown to result in an equal error rate improvement over a system without spectral subtraction of approximately 7% in absolute terms, 21% in relative terms, over an additive white Gaussian noise range of 5-25 dB.


An important concern in speaker recognition is the performance degradation that occurs when speaker models trained with speech from one type of channel are subsequently used to score speech from another type of channel, known as channel mismatch. This paper investigates the relative performance of two different spectral subtraction methods...


Multisensor MELPE using parameter substitution

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. 1, 17-21 May 2004, pp. I-477 - I-480.


The estimation of speech parameters and the intelligibility of speech transmitted through low-rate coders, such as MELP, are severely degraded when there are high levels of acoustic noise in the speaking environment. The application of nonacoustic and nontraditional sensors, which are less sensitive to acoustic noise than the standard microphone, is being investigated as a means to address this problem. Sensors being investigated include the General Electromagnetic Motion Sensor (GEMS) and the Physiological Microphone (P-mic). As an initial effort in this direction, a multisensor MELPe coder using parameter substitution has been developed, where pitch and voicing parameters are obtained from GEMS and PMic sensors, respectively, and the remaining parameters are obtained as usual from a standard acoustic microphone. This parameter substitution technique is shown to produce significant and promising DRT intelligibility improvements over the standard 2400 bps MELPe coder in several high-noise military environments. Further work is in progress aimed at utilizing the nontraditional sensors for additional intelligibility improvements and for more effective lower rate coding in noise.


The estimation of speech parameters and the intelligibility of speech transmitted through low-rate coders, such as MELP, are severely degraded when there are high levels of acoustic noise in the speaking environment. The application of nonacoustic and nontraditional sensors, which are less sensitive to acoustic noise than the standard microphone...


Automated lip-reading for improved speech intelligibility

Published in:
Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. I, 17-21 May 2004, pp. I-701 - I-704.


Various psycho-acoustical experiments have concluded that visual features strongly affect the perception of speech. This contribution is most pronounced in noisy environments where the intelligibility of audio-only speech is quickly degraded. An exploration of the effectiveness for extracted visual features such as lip height and width for improving speech intelligibility in noisy environments is provided in this paper. The intelligibility content of these extracted visual features will be investigated through an intelligibility test on an animated rendition of the video generated from the extracted visual features, as well as on the original video. These experiments demonstrate that the extracted video features do contain important aspects of intelligibility that may be utilized in augmenting speech enhancement and coding applications. Alternatively, these extracted visual features can be transmitted in a bandwidth effective way to augment speech coders.


Various psycho-acoustical experiments have concluded that visual features strongly affect the perception of speech. This contribution is most pronounced in noisy environments where the intelligibility of audio-only speech is quickly degraded. An exploration of the effectiveness for extracted visual features such as lip height and width for improving speech intelligibility...


Beyond cepstra: exploiting high-level information in speaker recognition


Traditionally speaker recognition techniques have focused on using short-term, low-level acoustic information such as cepstra features extracted over 20-30 ms windows of speech. But speech is a complex behavior conveying more information about the speaker than merely the sounds that are characteristic of his vocal apparatus. This higher-level information includes speaker-specific prosodics, pronunciations, word usage and conversational style. In this paper, we review some of the techniques to extract and apply these sources of high-level information with results from the NIST 2003 Extended Data Task.


Traditionally speaker recognition techniques have focused on using short-term, low-level acoustic information such as cepstra features extracted over 20-30 ms windows of speech. But speech is a complex behavior conveying more information about the speaker than merely the sounds that are characteristic of his vocal apparatus. This higher-level information includes...


Exploiting nonacoustic sensors for speech enhancement


Nonacoustic sensors such as the general electromagnetic motion sensor (GEMS), the physiological microphone (P-mic), and the electroglottograph (EGG) offer multimodal approaches to speech processing and speaker and speech recognition. These sensors provide measurements of functions of the glottal excitation and, more generally, of the vocal tract articulator movements that are relatively immune to acoustic disturbances and can supplement the acoustic speech waveform. This paper describes an approach to speech enhancement that exploits these nonacoustic sensors according to their capability in representing specific speech characteristics in different frequency bands. Frequency-domain sensor phase, as well as magnitude, is found to contribute to signal enhancement. Preliminary testing involves the time-synchronous multi-sensor DARPA Advanced Speech Encoding Pilot Speech Corpus collected in a variety of harsh acoustic noise environments. The enhancement approach is illustrated with examples that indicate its applicability as a pre-processor to low-rate vocoding and speaker authentication, and for enhanced listening from degraded speech.


Nonacoustic sensors such as the general electromagnetic motion sensor (GEMS), the physiological microphone (P-mic), and the electroglottograph (EGG) offer multimodal approaches to speech processing and speaker and speech recognition. These sensors provide measurements of functions of the glottal excitation and, more generally, of the vocal tract articulator movements that are...


Multimodal speaker authentication using nonacuostic sensors

Published in:
Proc. Workshop on Multimodal User Authentication, 11-12 December 2003, pp. 215-222.


Many nonacoustic sensors are now available to augment user authentication. Devices such as the GEMS (glottal electromagnetic micro-power sensor), the EGG (electroglottograph), and the P-mic (physiological mic) all have distinct methods of measuring physical processes associated with speech production. A potential exciting aspect of the application of these sensors is that they are less influenced by acoustic noise than a microphone. A drawback of having many sensors available is the need to develop features and classification technologies appropriate to each sensor. We therefore learn feature extraction based on data. State of the art classification with Gaussian Mixture Models and Support Vector Machines is then applied for multimodal authentication. We apply our techniques to two databases--the Lawrence Livermore GEMS corpus and the DARPA Advanced Speech Encoding Pilot corpus. We show the potential of nonacoustic sensors to increase authentication accuracy in realistic situations.


Many nonacoustic sensors are now available to augment user authentication. Devices such as the GEMS (glottal electromagnetic micro-power sensor), the EGG (electroglottograph), and the P-mic (physiological mic) all have distinct methods of measuring physical processes associated with speech production. A potential exciting aspect of the application of these sensors is...


Auditory signal processing as a basis for speaker recognition

Published in:
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, 19-22 October, 2003, pp. 111-114.


In this paper, we exploit models of auditory signal processing at different levels along the auditory pathway for use in speaker recognition. A low-level nonlinear model, at the cochlea, provides accentuated signal dynamics, while a a high-level model, at the inferior colliculus, provides frequency analysis of modulation components that reveals additional temporal structure. A variety of features are derived from the low-level dynamic and high-level modulation signals. Fusion of likelihood scores from feature sets at different auditory levels with scores from standard mel-cepstral features provides an encouraging speaker recognition performance gain over use of the mel-cepstrum alone with corpora from land-line and cellular telephone communications.


In this paper, we exploit models of auditory signal processing at different levels along the auditory pathway for use in speaker recognition. A low-level nonlinear model, at the cochlea, provides accentuated signal dynamics, while a a high-level model, at the inferior colliculus, provides frequency analysis of modulation components that reveals...


2-D processing of speech with application to pitch estimation

Published in:
7th Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 2002, 16-20 September 2002.


In this paper, we introduce a new approach to two-dimensional (2-D) processing of the one-dimensional (1-D) speech signal in the time-frequency plane. Specifically, we obtain the shortspace 2-D Fourier transform magnitude of a narrowband spectrogram of the signal and show that this 2-D transformation maps harmonically-related signal components to a concentrated entity in the new 2-D plane. We refer to this series of operations as the "grating compression transform" (GCT), consistent with sine-wave grating patterns in the spectrogram reduced to smeared impulses. The GCT forms the basis of a speech pitch estimator that uses the radial distance to the largest peak in the GCT plane. Using an average magnitude difference between pitch-contour estimates, the GCT-based pitch estimator is shown to compare favorably to a sine-wave-based pitch estimator for all-voiced speech in additive white noise. An extension to a basis for two-speaker pitch estimation is also proposed.


In this paper, we introduce a new approach to two-dimensional (2-D) processing of the one-dimensional (1-D) speech signal in the time-frequency plane. Specifically, we obtain the shortspace 2-D Fourier transform magnitude of a narrowband spectrogram of the signal and show that this 2-D transformation maps harmonically-related signal components to a...


Speaker verification using text-constrained Gaussian mixture models

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. I, 13-17 May 2002, pp. I-677 - I-680.


In this paper we present an approach to close the gap between text-dependent and text-independent speaker verification performance. Text-constrained GMM-UBM systems are created using word segmentations produced by a LVCSR system on conversational speech allowing the system to focus on speaker differences over a constrained set of acoustic units. Results on the 2001 NiST extended data task show this approach can be used to produce an equal error rate of < 1%.


In this paper we present an approach to close the gap between text-dependent and text-independent speaker verification performance. Text-constrained GMM-UBM systems are created using word segmentations produced by a LVCSR system on conversational speech allowing the system to focus on speaker differences over a constrained set of acoustic units. Results...


Speech enhancement based on auditory spectral change

Published in:
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP, Vol. I, Speech Processing Neural Networks for Signal Processing, 13-17 May 2002, pp. I-257 - I-260.


In this paper, an adaptive approach to the enhancement of speech signals is developed based on auditory spectral change. The algorithm is motivated by sensitivity of aural biologic systems to signal dynamics, by evidence that noise is aurally masked by rapid changes in a signal, and by analogies to these two aural phenomena in biologic visual processing. Emphasis is on preserving nonstationarity, i.e., speech transient and time-varying components, such as plosive bursts, formant transitions, and vowel onsets, while suppressing additive noise. The essence of the enhancement technique is a Wiener filter that uses a desired signal spectrum whose estimation adapts to stationarity of the measured signal. The degree of stationarity is derived from a signal change measurement, based on an auditory spectrum that accentuates change in spectral bands. The adaptive filter is applied in an unconventional overlap-add analysis/synthesis framework, using a very short 4-ms analysis window and a 1-ms frame interval. In informal listening, the reconstructions are judged to be "crisp" corresponding to good temporal resolution of transient and rapidly-moving speech events.


In this paper, an adaptive approach to the enhancement of speech signals is developed based on auditory spectral change. The algorithm is motivated by sensitivity of aural biologic systems to signal dynamics, by evidence that noise is aurally masked by rapid changes in a signal, and by analogies to these...