Phase coherence in speech reconstruction for enhancement and coding applications
It has been shown that an analysis-synthesis system based on a sinusoidal representation leads to synthetic speech that is essentially perceptually indistinguishable from the original. A change in speech quality has been observed, however, when the phase relation of the sine waves is altered. This occurs in practice when sine...
Mixed-phase deconvolution of speech based on a sine-wave model
This paper describes a new method of deconvolving the vocal cord excitation and vocal tract system response. The technique relies on a sine-wave representation of the speech waveform and forms the basis of an analysis-synthesis method which yields synthetic speech essentially indistinguishable from the original. Unlike an earlier sinusoidal analysis-synthesis...
Speech transformations based on a sinusoidal representation
In this paper a new speech analysis/synthesis technique is presented which provides the basis for a general class of speech transformations including time-scale modification, frequency scaling, and pitch modification. These modifications can be performed with a time-varying change, permitting continuous adjustment of a speaker's fundamental frequency rate of articulation. The...
Speech analysis/synthesis based on a sinusoidal representation
A sinusoidal model for the speech waveform is used to develop a new analysis/synthesis technique that is characterized by the amplitudes, frequencies, and phases of the component sine waves. These parameters are estimated from the short-time Fourier transform using a simple peak-picking algorithm. Rapid changes in the highly resolved spectral...
Frequency sampling of the short-time Fourier-transform magnitude for signal reconstruction
Unique recovery of a signal from the magnitude (modulus) of the Fourier transform has been of long-standing interest in image and optical processing in which Fourier-transform phase is lost or difficult to measure. We investigate an alternative problem of recovering a signal from the Fourier-transform magnitude of overlapping regions of...
Object detection by two-dimensional linear prediction
An important component of any automated image analysis system is the detection and classification of objects. In this report, we consider the first of these problems where the specific goal is to detect anomalous areas (e.g., man-made objects) in textured backgrounds such as trees, grass, and fields of aerial photographs...
Implementation of 2-D digital filters by iterative methods
A two-dimensional (2-D) rational filter can be implemented by an iterative computation involving only finite-extent impulse response (FIR) filtering operations, provided a certain convergence criterion is met. In this paper, we generalize this procedure so that the convergence criterion is satisfied for any stable 2-D rational transfer function. One formulation...
Signal reconstruction from the short-time Fourier transform magnitude
In this paper, a signal is shown to be uniquely represented by the magnitude of its short-time Fourier transform (STFT) under mild restrictions on the signal and the analysis window of the STFT. Furthermore, various algorithms are developed which reconstruct signal from appropriate samples of the STFT magnitude. Several of...
Iterative techniques for minimum phase signal reconstruction from phase or magnitude
In this paper, we develop iterative algorithms for reconstructing a minimum phase sequence from pthhea se or magnitude of its Fourier transform. These iterative solutions involve repeatedly imposing a causality constraint in the time domain and incorporating the known phase or magnitude function in the frequency domain. This approach is...
Recursive two-dimensional signal reconstruction from linear system input and output magnitudes
A recursive algorithm is presented for reconstructing a two-dimensional complex signal from its magnitude and the magnitude of the output of a known linear shift-invariant system whose input is the desired signal. The recursion has a simple geometric interpretation, and is easily extended to causal, shift-varying systems.