A space-time multiscale analysis system: a sequential variational analysis approach
As new observation systems are developed and deployed, new and presumably more precise information is becoming available for weather forecasting and climate monitoring. To take advantage of these new observations, it is desirable to have schemes to accurately retrieve the information before statistical analyses are performed so that statistical computation...
An assessment of automated boundary and front detection to support convective initiation forecasts
One of the largest sources of error in the current automated convective weather forecast systems is due to its inability to accurately account for new convective storm development. In many situations the initiation of new convection is preceded by low altitude convergence in the horizontal winds. These regions of low...
Real-time multiple single Doppler analysis with NEXRAD data
As part of the Aviation Weather Development Program of the Federal Aviation Administration, a high resolution winds analysis system was demonstrated at Orlando International Airport (MCO) in the summer of 1992. The purpose of this demonstration was to illustrate the winds analysis capability possible from operational sensors in the mid...