Suppressing relaxation in superconducting qubits by quasiparticle pumping
Dynamical error suppression techniques are commonly used to improve coherence in quantum systems. They reduce dephasing errors by applying control pulses designed to reverse erroneous coherent evolution driven by environmental noise. However, such methods cannot correct for irreversible processes such as energy relaxation. We investigate a complementary, stochastic approach to...
The flux qubit revisited to enhance coherence and reproducibility
The scalable application of quantum information science will stand on reproducible and controllable high-coherence quantum bits (qubits). In this work, we revisit the design and fabrication of the superconducting flux qubit, achieving a planar device with broad frequency tunability, strong anharmonicity, high reproducibility, and relaxation times in excess of 40...
Quantum information processing using quasiclassical electromagnetic interactions between qubits and electrical resonators
Electrical resonators are widely used in quantum information processing, by engineering an electromagnetic interaction with qubits based on real or virtual exchange of microwave photons. This interaction relies on strong coupling between the qubits' transition dipole moments and the vacuum fluctuations of the resonator in the same manner as cavity...
Flux-charge duality and topological quantum phase fluctuations in quasi-one-dimensional superconductors
It has long been thought that macroscopic phase coherence breaks down in effectively lower-dimensional superconducting systems even at zero temperature due to enhanced topological quantum phase fluctuations. In quasi-one-dimensional wires, these fluctuations are described in terms of 'quantum phase-slip' (QPS): tunneling of the superconducting order parameter for the wire between...
Quantum simulator of an open quantum system using superconducting qubits: exciton transport in photosynthetic complexes
Open quantum system approaches are widely used in the description of physical, chemical and biological systems. A famous example is electronic excitation transfer in the initial stage of photosynthesis, where harvested energy is transferred with remarkably high efficiency to a reaction center. This transport is affected by the motion of...
Loading of a surface-electrode ion trap from a remote, precooled source
We demonstrate loading of ions into a surface-electrode trap (SET) from a remote, laser-cooled source of neutral atoms. We first cool and load ~10^6 neutral 88Sr atoms into a magneto-optical trap from an oven that has no line of sight with the SET. The cold atoms are then pushed with...
Metastable superconducting qubit
We propose a superconducting qubit design, based on a tunable rf SQUID and nanowire kinetic inductors, which has a dramatically reduced transverse electromagnetic coupling to its environment, so that its excited state should be metastable. If electromagnetic interactions are in fact responsible for the current excited-state decay rates of superconducting...
High-fidelity quantum operations on superconducting qubits in the presence of noise
We present a scheme for implementing quantum operations with superconducting qubits. Our approach "coupler" qubit to mediate a controllable interaction between data qubits, pulse sequences which strongly mitigate the effects of 1/f flux noise, and a high-Q resonator-based local memory. We develop a Monte Carlo simulation technique capable of describing...