Audio signal processing based on sinusoidal analysis/synthesis
Based on a sinusoidal model, an analysis/synthesis technique is developed that characterizes audio signals, such as speech and music, in terms of the amplitudes, frequencies, and phases of the component sine waves. These parameters are estimated by applying a peak-picking algorithm to the short-time Fourier transform of the input waveform...
Embedded dual-rate sinusoidal transform coding
This paper describes the development of a dual-rate Sinusoidal Transformer Coder in which a 2400 b/s coder is embedded as a separate packet in the 4800 b/s bit stream. The underlying coding structure provides the flexibility necessary for multirate speech coding and multimedia applications.
Low rate coding of the spectral envelope using channel gains
A dual rate embedded sinusoidal transform coder is described in which a core 14th order allpole coder operating at 2400 b/s is augmented with a set of channel gain residuals in order to operate at the higher 4800 b/s rate. The channel gains are a set of non-uniformly spaced samples...
Sine-wave amplitude coding using a mixed LSF/PARCOR representation
An all-pole model of the speech spectral envelope is used to code the sine-wave amplitudes in the Sinusoidal Transform Coder. While line spectral frequencies (LSFs) are currently used to represent this all-pole model, it is shown that a mixture of line spectral frequencies and partial correlation (PARCOR) coefficients can be...
Sinusoidal coding
This chapter summarizes the sinewave-based pitch extractor, and the high-order all-pole modelling techniques that provided the basis for the multirate Sinusoidal Transform Coder and its application to multi-speaker conferencing.
Shape invariant time-scale and pitch modification of speech
The simplified linear model of speech production predicts that when the rate of articulation is changed, the resulting waveform takes on the appearance of the original, except for a change in the time scale. The goal of this paper is to develop a time-scale modification system that preserves this shape-invariance...
Low-rate speech coding based on the sinusoidal model
One approach to the problem of representation of speech signals is to use the speech production model in which speech is viewed as the result of passing a glottal excitation waveform through a time-varying linear filter that models the resonant characteristics of the vocal tract. In many applications it suffices...
Peak-to-rms reduction of speech based on a sinusoidal model
In a number of applications, a speech waveform is processed using phase dispersion and amplitude compression to reduce its peak-to-rms ratio so as to increase loudness and intelligibility while minimizing perceived distortion. In this paper, a sinusoidal-based analysis/synthesis system is used to apply a radar design solution to the problem...
Noise reduction using a soft-decision sine-wave vector quantizer
The need for noise reduction arises in speech communication channels, such as ground-to-air transmission and ground-based cellular radio, to improve vocoder quality and speech recognition accuracy. In this paper, noise reduction is performed in the context of a high-quality harmonic serc-phase sine-wave analysis/synthesis system which is characterized by sine-wave amplitudes...
Phase coherence in speech reconstruction for enhancement and coding applications
It has been shown that an analysis-synthesis system based on a sinusoidal representation leads to synthetic speech that is essentially perceptually indistinguishable from the original. A change in speech quality has been observed, however, when the phase relation of the sine waves is altered. This occurs in practice when sine...