A description of the interfaces between the Weather Systems Processor (WSP) and the Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR-9)
The Weather Systems Processor (WSP) is an enhancement for the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) current generation Airport Surveillance Radars (ASR-9) that provides fully automated detection of microburst and gust front wind shear phenomena, estimates of storm cell movement and extrapolated future postion, and 10- and 20-minute predictions of the future...
A high stability TWTA for ground surveillance applications
A high stability, C-band transmitter capable of supporting -68 dBr subclutter visibility over a wide range of pulse widths and duty factors was developed for use in a multimode, battlefield surveillance radar. The transmitter was mode-switched between groups of 1/4, 20 and 65 microsecond radar pulses and long duration (100ms)...