Experimental measurements of low angle ground reflection characteristics at L- and C-bands for irregular terrain
Field measurements of terrain reflection data at L band and C band have been taken during 1980 at several test sites at Hanscom airport, Fort Devens, and Camp Edwards, Massachusetts. These field data are used to (1) characterization of the L band and C band multipath environments, (2) validation of...
Comparison of various elevation angle estimation techniques
The angular resolution and tracking of closely spaced targets is a classical radar problem which is receiving increased attention, and terrain multipath (e.g., reflections) has long been recognized to be a principal limitation on the achievable accuracy of radar elevation trackers at low elevation angles. A variety of techniques have...
Experimental measurement of the low angle terrain scattering interference environment
This paper presents the results of an experimental program to obtain a better quantitative understanding of low angle microwave propagation phenomena needed to assess the potential for improved elevation tracking performance. It has long been recognized that terrain multipath (e.g., reflections and/or shadowing) are a principal limitation on the achievable...
MLS Multipath Studies, Phase 3, Volume I: Overview and Propagation Model Validation/Refinement Studies
This report presents work done during phase 3 of the US national Microwave Landing System (MLS) program toward developing a computer simulation model of the MLS multipath effects, the experimental validation ot the model, and the application of the model to investigate multipath performance of ICAO proposals for the new...