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Transactional array reconciliation tomography for precision indoor location

Published in:
IEEE T. Aero. Elec. Sys. Vol. 50, No. 1 January 2014, pp. 17-32.


A novel system is described for precision indoor location and tracking of personnel inside a building using RF signals exchanged with reference units deployed outside the building without benefit of infrastructure or site survey. Localization in high multipath without multilateration by fusion of unidirectional signals using singular array reconciliation tomography is reviewed. The bidirectional signal fusion approach is introduced with transactional array reconciliation tomography. Underlying theory is developed, and performance evaluated with simulated and experimental data.


A novel system is described for precision indoor location and tracking of personnel inside a building using RF signals exchanged with reference units deployed outside the building without benefit of infrastructure or site survey. Localization in high multipath without multilateration by fusion of unidirectional signals using singular array reconciliation tomography...


Power-law scattering models and nonlinear parametric estimation for super-resolution radar

Published in:
MIT Lincoln Laboratory Report TR-1095


This paper introduces a direct solution of the frequency-dependent, GTD-based, scatterer-model parameters leading towards a new modern spectral-estimation technique to be used for enhanced, super-resolution radar analysis. The overcomplete nature of the full GTD scatterer-model basis (positive and negative half-integer power laws) is recognized and overcome by introducing the vector-channel method, well known from communication theory. This physically motivated discretemodel- based analysis eliminates the need for computationally intensive and potentially nonconvergent local optimization procedures. Each scatterer is assigned a half-integer power law that identifies its cross-section frequency dependence and hence restricts the possible underlying physical feature geometries. This analysis opens the possibility for vector-attribute-based feature processing for target recognition that offers the potential for significant improvement in target identification performance.


This paper introduces a direct solution of the frequency-dependent, GTD-based, scatterer-model parameters leading towards a new modern spectral-estimation technique to be used for enhanced, super-resolution radar analysis. The overcomplete nature of the full GTD scatterer-model basis (positive and negative half-integer power laws) is recognized and overcome by introducing the vector-channel...


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