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A person swimming underwater maps a sunken vessel.
undersea technology
Undersea vision-based navigation and pose determination will enable divers and robots to collaboratively solve complex tasks in an inherently unstructured environment.
The top cap of the new ALCOR radome is lifted into place.
An aging weatherproof enclosure protecting one of the space surveillance radars on Kwajalein Atoll is replaced.
A schematic showing radar sensing as one application that can benefit from robust, trustworthy, and safe artificial intelligence in resource-constrained applications.
artificial intelligence
Robust, trustworthy, and safe machine learning algorithms that operate in resource-constrained environments will improve missile defense and other target recognition and mission planning systems.
A researcher stands on a laptop. In front of him are a few small radios, and a large projector screen showing data.
RF technology
A deployable navigation network of small, low-cost radio transponders can help track the locations of first responders during rescue operations.
A photo of unmanned surface vehicles on the Charles River.
autonomous systems
We developed new distributed coordination algorithms for deploying multiple autonomous systems from a single set of operator commands.
Autonomous High-Resolution Ocean Floor Mapping
undersea technology
The Laboratory is working to develop a novel seabed-mapping capability that can achieve high-resolution imaging and a fast coverage rate.
Strike Group Defender immerses users in realistic simulations to help them learn how to defend ships against missile threats in real life.
maritime defense
A serious game developed by the Laboratory will help the U.S. Navy teach sailors how to defend ships against missile threats.