Improved azimuthal resolution of proximate aircraft necessary to support ATC automation can be achieved by beacon surveillance systems employing monopulse angle estimation techniques described in this report. Included in the report are the results of beacon surveillance monopulse system analyses relating to off-boresight angle estimation using short (1/2 micro sec) pulses: the effects of specular and diffuse multipath signal return; the effects of overlapping ATCRBS fruit replies, and the problems of antenna pattern design. These topics have been studied in detail as part of the Lincoln Laboratory disign of the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS). This report summarizes analytical results obtained. In general, it has been concluded that the ATC environment does not pose a serious problem to the use of the monopulse concept for beacon system direction finding and that sufficient direction finding accuracy can be obtained using a small number of narrow pulses for each scan.